Making moonshine from beer. Recipes and subtleties of making moonshine from beer What can be made from fermented beer

Moonshine from beer is an original drink, quite simple in terms of production technology. When preparing it, there is no need for sugar and yeast, since beer itself is alcohol, and no additional stimulation is needed for its fermentation.

The choice of drink is of great importance. It does not seem advisable to use expensive beer for moonshine brewing, so out-of-date beer is often used, which can sometimes be bought at a brewery at a discount or in alcohol stores.

Typically, bottled beer contains preservative impurities that prevent the beer from fermenting, so it is often not suitable for making mash. And in this case, live beer that has not undergone the pasteurization process is best suited.

Beer selection

Any beer drink is suitable for our experiments. And some craftsmen even distill moonshine from expired beer. The latter is the most important, since consuming it in its pure form can lead to severe poisoning. But the moonshine will turn out quite good.

So, you can use the following types of beer:

  • Light;
  • Dark;
  • Strong;
  • Canned or bottled;
  • Alive;
  • Overdue.

That is, there are absolutely no restrictions.

It is better not to add yeast and sugar to beer. All the treatments that the drink was subjected to at the factory will ultimately lead to only one thing - the mash will sour and not ferment. Therefore, the traditional recipe will not work here.


First, we determine the ratio of beer and water for dilution. For every 10 liters of intoxicating drink we need another 1 liter of water. This will allow you to get rid of excess carbon dioxide, which is so rich in beer. And, even if it seems that it no longer “fizzles,” then you should not neglect this step - some of the gas remains in the drink anyway. Therefore, we carry out degassing by adding ordinary water.

The next stage of degassing is mixing. In the selected container, mix the beer with water until foam stops forming on the surface. Now we leave our beer mash for 1 hour. Better - longer, but no more than 3 hours. In this case, the lid of the container must be open so that nothing prevents carbon dioxide from leaving the mash.

Degassing is carried out in order not to spoil the taste of the final moonshine.


Braga from beer cannot be distilled into the so-called “flavored moonshine”. That is, moonshine will have a very unpleasant smell and the only thing you can expect is pure alcohol. Therefore, you don’t have to use fractional distillation in order to then purify the moonshine in any of the following ways:

  1. Oil;
  2. Milk;
  3. Activated carbon.

But, if you prefer distillation by dividing the distillate into parts, then this is also not forbidden.

There is one point that must be remembered: pouring the mash should be done when the distillation cube is still cold. Well, one more thing: heating must occur extremely slowly so that a foam cap does not appear, which burns very well to the walls of the cube.

Distillation must be carried out until the alcohol strength at the outlet drops to 30 degrees. During this time, you will have time to collect approximately 1-1.5 liters of alcohol. In order to determine the strength of alcohol, an alcohol meter in combination with a “rooster” is excellent.

Second distillation

  • This distillation must be fractional, since it is the last.
  • "Heads" will account for approximately 10% of the total expected output.
  • The tails start at about 40 degrees.
  • Everything else is drinking alcohol, which, however, requires additional purification.

The total amount of the final product very much depends on the number of revolutions in the beer that went into the mash. You can expect 0.5 to 1 liter of finished product. Its strength will fluctuate between 45-50 degrees.


The last thing is infusion and purification. First, let the moonshine sit for a couple of days in a cool, dark place. After that, start cleaning it. It doesn't really matter how you do it. However, it is worth remembering that carbon filters are best suited for filtration.

Now the moonshine is ready for use. Due to the fact that it does not have any taste or smell, it can be used to make noble drinks at home. Great for cognac or various fruit and berry liqueurs.

Moonshine from expired beer

If you become the owner of old, expired beer, or buy a batch of substandard goods at a wholesale warehouse on the cheap, it doesn’t matter.

  1. Of course, you can’t drink this kind of beer; it can cause harm to your body.
  2. But there is a way out, distill the beer into moonshine.
  3. The result is quite good quality alcohol with an original hop flavor. After all, beer is practically whiskey mash, made using white technology, but with additives.

Due to the fact that few people have so much expired beer, rarely has anyone made such a drink, and it’s too expensive to try it on purpose. Although making such a drink at home is very simple. For beer moonshine, any type of beer with any strength is suitable, it is desirable that the beer contains as few preservatives as possible, that is, live beer. The best option would be your own homemade beer, there is definitely nothing superfluous in it, and the moonshine obtained from it would surprise many experienced distillers.

Below is the simplest recipe for beer without yeast.


  • Beer 4-6° – 10 l;
  • Water – 1l.


Expired beer, like any other beer, contains a lot of carbon dioxide, which must be removed before distillation into moonshine. If the gas is not removed, splashes may form during the boiling of the beer; foam will form in the cube, which will get into the selection and spoil the taste of the moonshine.

In addition, splashing is dangerous because the refrigerator of the moonshine still may become clogged, and excess pressure will rise in the cube, which can even lead to an explosion. Therefore, beer should be poured into the cube to 1/3 of the volume of the distillation tank. Stir it thoroughly, using a construction mixer. Leave open for 1-2 hours.

Obtaining raw alcohol

At this stage, raw alcohol is obtained from beer mash for subsequent distillation. You need to select moonshine at maximum power, but constantly monitor the process to prevent splashing. It’s good if your device has a diopter that allows you to see the beginning of foaming. If this happens, you need to turn off or reduce the heat.

The first distillation is carried out without selecting heads and tails; the beer is driven to the water. From 10 liters of beer you will get about a liter of moonshine with a strength of 30-38°, with the smell of hops. Raw alcohol can be driven through a carbon filter, diluting the distillate to a strength of 20 degrees.

Fractional distillation

Repeated distillation will improve the quality of moonshine from beer by removing harmful head and foul-smelling fusel fractions from the raw material. Pour raw alcohol purified and diluted to 20 degrees into the distillation container, install the apparatus, turn on the heat.

  • After the first drops appear, reduce the heating power and remove the head impurities drop by drop into a separate container.

  • The heads are selected at the rate of 10% of absolute alcohol, according to our recipe 40-50 ml.
  • Next, you need to select the “heart” - the middle drinking fraction.
  • On average, the body should be 400-500 ml with a strength of 60°.
  • Select the middle fraction up to 40 degrees in the stream, the yield depends on the design of your moonshine still.
  • Then there are the “tails” which do not have to be selected.


After fractional distillation, the moonshine is already of good quality. You can improve its taste by passing it through a carbon filter, which will reduce the hop smell of moonshine. Pour the purified moonshine into bottles and keep in glass for two or three days. The more the distillate rests, the better it becomes. Beer moonshine can be infused on oak chips or walnut partitions, and used for various tinctures and other homemade alcohol.

Alcohol mashine

Thinking about buying a new moonshine still? In this article, you will learn what to look for when choosing a device that is suitable for you, the opinions of independent experts, as well as a comparative test of the main competitors in the market of factory-made moonshine stills.

The Internet is replete with a variety of models of moonshine stills (or household distillers), so choosing the right one is not as easy as it seems. Let’s say right away that you need to choose for yourself, for your needs. This article will help you determine which model you need.

Characteristics of moonshine stills

The main characteristics of moonshine stills are volume, material and cleaning method.


First, decide on the size of the device. If you are distilling small volumes of mash (up to 20 liters), then a distillation cube with a capacity of 12-14 liters is suitable.

If you need to distill more than 30 liters, then it is better to purchase a device with a capacity of 20-25 liters. As a rule, sellers have several displacement options for each model, so when a model is selected, make sure that the required volume is in stock.


We strongly recommend purchasing a factory-quality distiller, made of stainless steel. The steel should not only be stainless, but also preferably one used in the food or medical industry (for example, 12Х18Н10Т GOST 5632-72), manufactured according to GOST. This way you will protect yourself from unwanted and harmful impurities and odors in the product.

An important factor is the thickness of the steel. The thicker the better, but moderation is also needed here.

  1. In a distillation cube made of thin steel (0.8-1 mm), the mash will most likely burn, and the finished product will taste like burnt porridge (not to mention the taste).
  2. The optimal thickness of the device wall is 2 mm. Such a moonshine still will not be subject to deformation, it is more airtight, and the product will not burn during the cooking process.
  3. On the Internet you can find devices with a wall thickness of 3-4 millimeters, however, here we did not find any advantages compared to 2 mm models, the weight has increased (by 50-80%), and the price is at least a third higher.


The main goal of the distiller is to obtain the purest possible product. The purity of the finished product depends on the presence of a steam steamer or a reflux condenser (in more advanced models). It must be present in the moonshine still. It is in it that most of the harmful fusel oils and impurities settle. If the steamer is collapsible, then you can give the moonshine an original taste and aroma by putting spices, fruits, and herbs inside the steamer (it will be possible to make drinks such as cognac, gin, whiskey and others).

Make sure the seller has a warranty for the device, sealed gaskets, food hoses included, as well as measuring devices - a thermometer and an alcohol meter. The factory device must be fully equipped and ready to use without additional purchases.

Ways to degas mash before distillation

One of the optional, but recommended stages of fruit, sugar and grain moonshine. Degassing of mash is a set of measures aimed at removing carbon dioxide in the inner layers before distillation.


During fermentation, yeast converts sugar into alcohol and carbon dioxide - one molecule of glucose is converted into two molecules of ethanol (C2H5OH) and two molecules of carbon dioxide (CO2). In order not to create excess pressure in the container, carbon dioxide is removed through a water seal tube (a water lock that prevents oxygen from entering inside).

When fermentation weakens, the pressure inside decreases and the gas no longer comes out as actively. At the very end, some of it will definitely remain in the inner layers of the liquid. The concentration of CO2 in the finished mash depends on the type of raw material (mostly in grain mash), duration and temperature of fermentation.

In carbonated alcoholic drinks such as beer, champagne or cider, some amount of carbon dioxide is necessary (sometimes a short re-fermentation is started for natural carbonation), as it gives the characteristic effervescence and bubbles, but in ordinary wines and home brews the gas is removed artificially.

Degassing the mash minimizes the risk of intense foaming during heating, which is the cause of “choking” of the moonshine still (the distillate comes out unevenly into the receiving container, characteristic “spitting” appears) and splashing - the entry of parts of the mash and foam into the coil, which leads to clouding of the moonshine.

Theoretically, if you leave the fermentation tank open, after some time the gas will come out on its own, but when air enters, acetic bacteria are activated and the mash will begin to sour, which will deteriorate the quality of the moonshine and reduce the yield.

Universal step-by-step instructions

  1. After fermentation is complete, be sure to drain the spent mash from the sediment (decant) - pour the liquid part through a straw into another container.
  2. There are two methods for degassing mash: temperature (heating) and mechanical (stirring). The choice depends on the amount of raw materials and the set of tools. The efficiency is the same.

By heating Pour the mash into a can, pan or bucket; the wider the neck diameter, the better. The container must be enameled or stainless steel. You can use the cube of a moonshine still. Quickly heat the mash to 50°C, stirring occasionally. When the hissing stops and no bubbles come out from the bottom, remove from the stove.

Heating not only eliminates gas, but also kills yeast

The short duration of the process and the high temperature will prevent the mash from turning sour. The disadvantage of this method is that it is difficult to pour and heat large batches; moreover, suitable metal containers are not always available.

Mechanical degassing

It is simpler and faster than the temperature method, but requires a drill (perforator) with a construction attachment or an aquarium pump.

In the first case, it is enough to mix the mash with a drill with a nozzle for 3-7 minutes, until the smell of carbon dioxide disappears.

Attention! Stir mash only in plastic barrels.

The second option is to lower an aquarium pump (household pump) with a capacity of 90-140 liters per hour into a container with mash drained from the sediment. Depending on the volume of mash and pump power, degassing will take 2-8 hours.


Degassed mash can be clarified with bentonite, gelatin or hibiscus tea. Clarification removes yeast residues and other impurities, improving the quality of moonshine.

Filling the cube

After removing carbon dioxide, the distillation technique does not change, but with properly degassed and preferably clarified mash, it is allowed to fill the cube to 80-85% and not 70-75% as per the standard, leaving a free reserve only for the expansion of the liquid from heating.


After the fermentation process is complete, the mash turns into mash. During this stage, fusel oils and other excess substances are separated from the alcohol. All this is called distillation or simply distillation of alcohol. During distillation, strict temperature conditions are observed.

Taking into account the most important temperature points, we can say that for high-quality moonshine, the mash must be heated in stages. Experts in this production identify the following key parameters: the boiling of water at a temperature of one hundred degrees, the boiling of ethyl alcohol at 78.3 degrees, acetic acid, ethyl ether, ethanol and other substances contained in the mash, within a temperature range of 34.6-68 degrees, heavy fusel oils - more than 83 degrees.

Sometimes it is very difficult or even impossible to keep the temperature within certain limits. Many inexperienced winemakers can make many mistakes.

  • To avoid this, you should take into account external factors that affect the distillation process.
  • It is important to remember that when the mash heats up to a temperature of 65-78 degrees, light substances begin to evaporate.
  • This moonshine is popularly called “pervach”, it is poisonous, you cannot drink it, and you cannot make alcohol tinctures from it for external use.

The onset of active evaporation can be determined using a thermometer located in the evaporation chamber. If you don’t have a thermometer, you should sniff it - there may be a smell of alcohol. Also, the beginning of the process may be indicated by condensation at the outlet neck of the refrigerator and the first drops of alcohol in the receiving container. The first 100 grams of pervach must be drained and the receiving container replaced or washed thoroughly. To prevent the mash from going through the refrigerator, you should slightly reduce its heating temperature.

After the mixture is heated to a temperature of 78 degrees and the ethyl alcohol begins to evaporate, you can proceed to the main process of moonshine production. We must not forget that as a result of distillation, the amount of alcohol in the mash will decrease. This decrease raises the boiling point of the mash and negatively affects the distillation process itself. Therefore, the upper temperature limit should not exceed 83 degrees during the entire distillation.


If you want to extract the remaining alcohol, you will have to heat the mash to higher levels. As a result, the alcohol and fusel oils will evaporate, and the quality of the moonshine will be very low. If you keep the temperature of the mash within 78-83 degrees, then in the end there will be little water, and there will be more alcohol. The quality of the product will be satisfactory.

  1. When the temperature of the mash mixture reaches 85 degrees, the distillation is stopped.
  2. If you don’t have a thermometer, you can check the quality of the moonshine like this: you need to soak a piece of paper in the resulting moonshine and set it on fire.
  3. A blue flame indicates that distillation is not yet complete.
  4. The absence of a blue flame indicates a low alcohol content and an increased amount of fusel oils.

  5. In this case, distillation is stopped, and the final product is poured into a separate container for further processing with other batches of mash.

Another little trick: water from the mash can be frozen in the freezer or outside in winter. The fact is that water freezes at zero temperature, and alcohol at 114 degrees. To do this, place the container with the mash in the freezer, and the ice crystals that appear must be periodically removed with a mesh.

First distillation of moonshine

We fill the cube 2/3, maximum ¾. The first drops will begin to drip at a temperature in the cube of 88-89 O C (this parameter depends on the strength of the mash).

  1. Don't forget to turn on the cold water supply to the coil.
  2. The first distillation is carried out, as a rule, at maximum power, without selecting the “heads” and “tails”.
  3. This is due to the fact that when yeast is boiled, its shells rupture and proteins decompose.

Basically, it is because of this that SS acquires a very unpleasant smell and taste.Accordingly, the longer you “cook” the yeast, the more unpleasant the SS will become.

However, it is a common practice for the heads and tails to be cut off during the first distillation of the sugar mash. True, the temperature regime is left the same (without reducing the heating, as is done during the second distillation), that is, they are not taken drop by drop. Even with intense heating, the heads come out first - the boiling point of light impurities, which are called “heads,” is about 65-68 ° C. Therefore, it is recommended to collect the first 30 ml from each 1 kg of sugar immediately and get rid of them. For example, during the first distillation of mash from 5 kg of sugar, you need to select 150 ml of heads.

After selecting the heads, we continue intensive heating of the cube and select the main fraction, in common parlance the “body”. If your distiller is equipped with a thermometer, you need to drive it to 98 degrees cubed. After the temperature in the cube rises to 96°C, it is recommended to change the receiving container - ideally, the so-called “tails” will begin to come out of the refrigerator, in common parlance “fusel oil”, “fusel oils” - the non-edible part of the mash, especially smelly and harmful .

In general, during the first distillation, tails are taken only from sugar mash. For grain and fruit distillates, they are too important, because it is the heavy fractions, the boiling point of which is higher than the boiling point of ethyl alcohol (above 78 ° C), that determine the taste of the drink.

Therefore, grain and fruit mashes are distilled until there is at least some hint of alcohol in the stream (usually up to 5%). But there is nothing good in the tails of sugar mash, so it is customary to cut them off during the first distillation, especially since this does not require reducing the heating intensity. If your still does not have a thermometer, sample the body until the outlet CC burns or the ABV drops below 40%.

There is no need to throw away the tails after the first distillation. They can be added to the next mash to increase product yield. This process is called "tail banding". After the first distillation, it is better to pour out the selected heads altogether. As a result, you should receive CC of acceptable quality, but not suitable for consumption. It is advisable to clean it before the second distillation.

Purification of the SS before the second distillation

After the first distillation, the SS is subjected to the so-called “intermediate” purification. This process significantly improves the organoleptic qualities of moonshine. There are several methods for intermediate cleaning of SS before the second distillation: potassium permanganate, milk, vegetable oil, activated carbon, etc.

I myself am inclined to comprehensive cleaning: first with vegetable oil, then with charcoal.

  1. To clean with oil, dilute the SS to 15%, pour it into a container with a tight lid and add 20 ml of refined vegetable oil per 1 liter of SS.
  2. Mix vigorously 3 times for 1 minute at intervals of 1-2 minutes.
  3. After 12-24 hours, carefully drain the more or less pure SS from below - the oil, with impurities dissolved in it, will collect as a homogeneous film on top of the container.
  4. Next, we filter the SS several times through any filter: cotton, gauze, coffee, etc.
  5. The SS must then be passed through a carbon filter.

Primitive or not - it depends on your imagination. More information about cleaning moonshine with activated carbon is described in this article.
Intermediate purification of SS is applicable not only for sugar moonshine, but also for distillate from starch-containing raw materials. For fruit and berry raw materials, intermediate purification is carried out extremely rarely, limited to only two or three fractional distillations.

Second distillation using classical technology

The principle of the classical technology of the second distillation is not much different from the first when it comes to sugar distillate. However, some nuances are still present. First of all, if for some reason you did not carry out intermediate purification, for example, you are making a fruit distillate, the CC needs to be diluted to 15-20%. This procedure is necessary for better separation of the distillate into fractions (there is a whole discussion on this topic in the comments to the manual on sugar moonshine).

To conveniently separate moonshine into fractions, you can use a “parrot”.

With its help, you can clearly control the strength of the distillate.

Pour the diluted SS into the cube, put it on the fire, and watch. When the first drops begin to appear, we reduce the heating intensity by about a third - it is very important to remove the heads slowly, literally 1-3 drops per second. How many heads to select during the second distillation? There are several ways. The easiest one, of course, is to focus on smell.

But it is often difficult for beginners to understand the aromatics of the distillate, so it is easier to focus on volumes. They are different for each raw material. For sugar distillate, it is enough to take 50 ml of heads from each processed 1 kg of sugar or 5% of absolute alcohol (AS) in SS, whichever is more convenient for you. The content of AC can be determined by simple multiplication. For example, if you distill 10 liters of 20% CC, then we have 2 liters of AC (10×0.2=2). It turns out that with 10 liters of 20% CC we need to select only 100 ml of heads.

But if we are talking about other distillates, then the heads need to be selected “gently” - the fewer heads you select, the more floral and ethereal your distillate will turn out.

Therefore, for grain and fruit mashes, sometimes it is enough to select 0.5-2% of the AC. True, there are raw materials from which it is better to select the heads to the maximum, up to 10%, for example, for apple distillate, I recommend selecting about 8% of the heads from the AC (it is believed that such mashes contain a lot of methanol). It’s only at first glance that everything is so complicated – with experience comes absolute understanding.


So, they took away the heads and changed the receiving dishes.

  • If you use a distiller with a steamer, replace it too.
  • After selecting the heads, we increase the heating of the cube and select the body. It is mainly ethyl alcohol, whose boiling point is 78.3°C.
  • If you were making sugar mash, then you need to distill it until the strength of the distillate in the stream drops below 45%, after which you need to change the receiving container and take away the tails.
  • Do not forget that the strength of the distillate, or rather its density, should be measured strictly at 20°C. Any temperature deviation leads to distortion of the hydrometer readings.

I would also advise you to use for this matter not household alcohol meters, which in almost 100% of cases will show you anything but the strength of the solution, but more accurate hydrometers like ASP-3.

  1. ASP-3 hydrometers, depending on the range, are divided into 3 types.
  2. For grain and fruit distillates, I recommend using a slightly different “heart” selection principle, which is more strict.
  3. If you are a very, very greedy person, then still stop selecting the body when the degree drops below 55%.
  4. If you understand that you cannot save on yourself, then stop selection at 60-65%.
  5. Collect the tails as long as there are signs of the presence of alcohol in the stream.
  6. The collected tails together with the heads can be “ringed”, that is, added to the next batch of SS.
  7. It is better to discard the heads of sugar distillate.

So, you just got double moonshine, which should already be very different from that cloudy, stinking slurry that you drank in the dashing 90s. Depending on the design of the moonshine still and the conditions for preparing the mash, after the second distillation you will receive about 400 ml of 50-60% distillate for every 1 kg of sugar. It is difficult to say how much you will get from 1 kg of fruit or starch-containing raw materials - there are too many variables. In any case, you will receive a high quality product that your friends and acquaintances should appreciate.

Second distillation with “catching” isoamylol

When you master the skill of fractional distillation, and have played enough with sugar distillate and others like it, you will certainly want to improve your skills and try something new. The second distillation of moonshine with the “catching” of isoamyl alcohol is a relatively new technology, which is just gaining interest from our moonshiners. To begin with, I recommend that you read the more than detailed topic on A lot of entertaining reading about the so-called “transitional factions”.

Transitional fractions are those that are difficult to classify as both heads and tails. Perhaps the most dangerous of the transition fractions is isoamyl alcohol (isoamylol, isik, IA). In general, I still understand this topic to the extent that I can, so I recommend carefully studying the material on the forum.

But in general I see the picture as follows. The lower the alcohol concentration in the cube, the faster the IA evaporates from the mash. Consequently, when we distill, for example, 10% mash, then after 50% distillation a minimal amount of AI remains in it. This is the essence of all technology.

During the first distillation, SS can be collected in a hermetically sealed container - this will reduce the unpleasant odor in the room.

Now we apply it in practice (we are talking more about grain distillates).

  1. During the first distillation, which is intensive and without division into fractions, we select 50% of the expected distillate yield.

  2. We change the dishes and collect everything else.
  3. After this, we distill the first part of the distillation, which is “contaminated” with AI, in a distillation column, preferably a film one, dividing into fractions, of course (the author of the method does not recommend diluting SS before rectification).
  4. We distill the second part of the first stage fractionally, taking as many tails as we need for taste.

In total, we get a tasty distillate and a strong rectified product with a minimal isoamylol content. They can be mixed or consumed separately.

What to do with double moonshine?

Actually, the main question is: what to do with the resulting double distillate? First, we dilute it to the strength we need, this is obvious. Let it stand for at least a couple of days before using it in its pure form. Cereal and fruit distillates do not require additional purification, or rather, few people do this. Sugar moonshine can be cleaned again, this time with milk, for example. If you want to get an analogue of vodka, pass the distillate through a carbon filter (homemade or through a water filter jug). There is room for imagination.

Finally, if you wandered into Rum not by chance, you can prepare a huge number of tinctures, liqueurs, and liqueurs based on the resulting product. I advise you to look towards imitation cognac or, better yet, whiskey - that’s where you can have a real blast. In the end, when you achieve zen, when your product begins to amount to tens of liters, get a good oak barrel. In general, have fun as best you can!

How to make whiskey from beer at home

  • Drink: Whiskey
  • How to serve: with ice
  • Main ingredients:malt, water, yeast
  • Affiliation: North America
  • Preparation time: over a month
  • Strength: up to 45°

Homemade whiskey technology

According to the best factory traditions, elite Scottish alcohol is produced using various technologies - malting, distillation and long-term aging in oak barrels. The ingredients to create a popular drink can be various types of grain - wheat, barley, corn and even rye. But craftsmen who prefer to drink a drink made with their own hands have managed to create a recipe for whiskey from beer.

First, you'll need beer malt. It can be purchased online or at grocery markets. This ingredient (at least 2 kg) should be poured into 10 liters of water and heated using steam to 65°C.

To achieve the desired result, you should reduce the power of the steam generator and only then keep the wort at a temperature of 65°C for an hour. You can simmer the malt for an hour and a half.

When the previous stage has been completed, it is necessary to heat the wort to a temperature of 75°C and leave to cool.

Then all you have to do is add yeast - approximately 25 g dry or 100 g pressed - and carry out the distillation procedure. The first stage is carried out without removing heads and tails. The result is approximately 2 liters of raw alcohol, the strength of which is 40%.

You must dilute it with water to reduce the strength to 20%. After this, a second distillation should be carried out using a distiller. The head fraction is taken into a prepared separate vessel. The power is then carefully increased to remove the body and increase the strength again to 40%. Having done this, you carefully select the tails into any other vessel. Finally, you can carry out a third distillation, making sure to dilute the resulting distillate first.

If you don’t have a steam generator at home, you can easily cook wort and distill mash using an electric stove. You just need to stir the wort thoroughly during brewing and make sure that the sediment does not burn on the bottom of the container. In addition, before starting the distillation procedure, you filter the mash using a colander to safely complete the preparation of whiskey from beer at home.

How to make whiskey using homemade malt

By the way, in America, the Scottish drink is made from beer wort, which contains approximately 51% barley malt. We'll show you how to make this whiskey.

So, connoisseurs of homemade alcohol tell us how to make whiskey from beer using homemade malt. They advise taking barley grain, rinsing it thoroughly and clearing it of any debris.

  • This key ingredient is then soaked in water for 24 hours.
  • After 24 hours, you should simply drain the water and thoroughly rinse the barley grains again.
  • Having done this, you need to spread them on the surface in a layer of about 5 cm.
  • Just make sure that the room temperature does not exceed 25°C.

If desired, you can cover the barley with gauze.

Important point: you should regularly wet the grain several times during the day, but so that the water does not stagnate and the lower grains do not lie in water.

After a couple of days, you will see that the barley has begun to germinate. It's best if you remember to stir it periodically.

When several days have passed and you see that the sprouts have reached almost the same length as the grains themselves, you must immediately grind them using a meat grinder. If you do not plan to use the resulting malt immediately, be sure to dry it and store it in a solid state.

The remaining stages of preparing whiskey from beer are similar to the previously described technology.

With the help of moonshine

To find out another recipe for making whiskey from beer using moonshine, you can familiarize yourself with the following technology for preparing an analogue of the Scottish drink.

The stages of beer distillation fully correspond to those described in the first method. It is only necessary to clarify the point that three stages of distillation help to completely get rid of the unpleasant aroma.

To give a good taste to the drink, diluting raw alcohol with distilled water before the third distillation and adding activated carbon in a volume of 10 g of the drug per 1 liter of liquid helps.

  • After the third distillation you will get a drink with an alcohol content of 75%.
  • You can add about 4-5 g of oak chips to it per 1 liter of liquid.
  • Remember that oak chips should be pre-fried.
  • After a month of aging and mandatory filtration, homemade whiskey from beer can be served.

It turns out that in order to pamper yourself with a delicious Scottish drink, you just need to know the appropriate recipe for making it at home.

An extraordinary recipe for moonshine from spoiled beer

Sour or expired beer that is at your disposal cannot be consumed in this form: a low-quality product will definitely worsen digestion and is quite capable of causing poisoning. However, do not rush to be upset, take beer as a basis and extract an unusual alcohol - moonshine from beer, distinguished by a pronounced hop aroma.

Making beer-based moonshine at home

Making moonshine with beer is not much different from the usual recipe, but includes some subtleties. We do not recommend making beer mash with added sugar and yeast, since the original product most likely contains preservatives and undergoes a pasteurization process. As a result of fermentation, you may not wait at all and still pour out the spoiled product.

To obtain beer moonshine you will need 10 liters of beer (you can use any other amount) and 1 liter of purified water. You can use any type of beer for moonshine: live, pasteurized, light, dark, etc.

The process of making beer moonshine

Getting rid of gas

Beer contains a lot of carbon dioxide, which leads to excessive foaming during distillation. To eliminate this undesirable factor, get rid of the gas by filling the distillation container one third full, leaving it without a lid and stirring for at least an hour, then leave it alone for 30 minutes without covering it. During this time, all unnecessary gas will be released and the product is ready for further distillation.

First distillation

The primary distillation step involves separating the liquid with a high alcohol content. Place the cube with degassed beer raw materials on low heat: there is no need to rush, rapid heating will create excess foam, which can ruin the whole process! The liquid is collected from the first drops until the alcohol content in the stream reaches 10°. The resulting distillate is characterized by a clear aroma of beer hops and a strength of about 38o with a yield of 1-1.2 liters from 10 liters of beer, it all depends on the initial strength of the raw material.

Secondary distillation

Repeated distillation produces a clean product with a light hop aroma. Raw alcohol after primary distillation (about 1 liter) must be diluted with 1 liter of water and put back on low heat. We select 10% of absolute alcohol - this is the so-called “head” (about 50 ml), which should be poured out mercilessly, as it is extremely harmful and dangerous. Next, collect the body - it is 70% absolute alcohol. Dilute the resulting distillate to 40% with water.

Moonshine cleaning

A drink made from expired beer acquires a milder taste after cleaning with activated carbon. Add activated carbon to the resulting moonshine from beer at the rate of 25 g of sorbent per 1 liter of drink, leave for 6 hours, do not forget to stir regularly, then filter into another container through a layer of cotton wool or cotton pads. In addition to improving taste, purification also removes heavy compounds from alcohol that cause intoxication.

The recipe for moonshine based on foam is easy to implement and allows you to use beer that for some reason is unsuitable for consumption. The strong drink has a specific hop aroma and original taste.

Making moonshine from beer


Any beer, even those that have expired, is enriched with carbon dioxide. It should not be present during distillation as it may cause increased foaming. When foam gets into the moonshine, it sharply worsens the taste. Beer is poured into the distillation cube to fill a third of the container, and vigorously stirred to completely get rid of the foam. Next, the beer is left without a lid for an hour.

When distilling first, a product is obtained that must be worked with further. First, the resulting fraction is divided into three parts: “head”, “body”, “tail”.

Place the distillation cube on the stove and turn on low heat. High temperatures are not allowed, as they can cause severe foaming. The first drops of distillate are characterized by a strong hop aroma. From five liters of beer taken, about 0.6 liters of moonshine is obtained, having a strength of 38°.

Second distillation

The repeated process improves the moonshine. The resulting 0.6 liters of moonshine after the initial distillation are diluted with 0.5 liters of water and poured into a distillation cube. The first 25 ml of the resulting moonshine is poured out (this is the “head”, which is extremely harmful). Next comes the “body” of moonshine. This moonshine is collected. The process is stopped after the strength of the resulting drink drops below 40°. As a result of repeated distillation, about 450 ml of moonshine is obtained. Its strength is not low - 50°. The quantity may be slightly larger if you take beer with a high strength.

Filtration and infusion

Using a carbon filter, filtration is carried out. This significantly improves the quality of the product. Before starting to drink it, the drink is allowed to brew for three days.

Distilling expired beer makes it possible to obtain moonshine from beer; the product is characterized by a distinct hop smell. There is no way to compare it with other types of moonshine.

Making alcohol from old beer is similar to distilling homemade mash, but there are some differences. The quality of the beer from which the alcohol will be distilled is of great importance. To obtain a high-quality drink, the products sold on supermarket shelves are not suitable. The best material to make beer moonshine is unpasteurized draft beer.

The recipe for such an alcoholic drink involves using only light varieties of beer liquid. If a person has a home brewery, then it is recommended to use beer wort in production. Then the quality of the resulting alcohol will be very high.

We must also take into account the fact that beer liquid foams a lot. Therefore, there is a danger of beer splashing out into the moonshine still if the entire cube is filled with liquid. Therefore, it is recommended to fill the vessel only 50%, although this will reduce the amount of product obtained.

There is a recipe for how to eliminate foam formation. The beer liquid is poured into a separate vessel, which is left for 24 hours without a lid. All the carbon dioxide will come out of the beer.

After this treatment, the liquid can be safely distilled.

If the beer liquid is of low quality, then after distilling it through a moonshine still for the first time, a pungent odor may form. To get rid of this trouble, distillation must be repeated. After this, it is recommended to filter the resulting drink well. This will improve the color of the liquid and its taste. The resulting moonshine can be purified with activated carbon. If you don’t have it, you can use homemade charcoal by treating small wooden pegs on a burner flame.

The product yield after distillation is 6-10% of the amount of starting material. For example, from 10 liters of beer liquid you can get 700-1000 ml of moonshine. The strength of such an alcoholic drink will be from 40 to 50% vol. It tastes like whiskey, but beer moonshine contains the taste of malt and the aroma of hops.

How to prepare the described drink

Some moonshiners recommend using yeast and granulated sugar in the process of making mash. But we must take into account that beer contains preservatives, so additional ingredients can interrupt the fermentation process that has begun or the original product will simply turn sour. In this case, you may end up with an alcohol mixture that has nothing to do with beer. To obtain high-quality alcohol, the original recipe involves the use of the following components:

  1. Light beer - 4.5–5 l.
  2. Clean water (preferably from a spring or artesian well) - 500 ml.

The technological process begins by removing carbon dioxide from the original drink. To do this, beer is poured into a cube and left. It should remain in the vessel for 60–120 minutes. Every 15 minutes you need to go to the container and stir the liquid, this speeds up the process of gas release.

After the specified period, the beer is distilled for the first time. To do this, the moonshine still must be on a low flame. This is necessary so that a lot of foam does not appear during the heating process. After the distillation is completed, there is no need to separate the head and tail fractions. As a result, 600–700 ml of distillate will be released.

Its strength will be in the range of 32–38% vol.

To improve the taste of the drink, a second distillation is required. First add 500 ml of water to the resulting alcohol liquid. After passing the liquid through the moonshine still, 30 ml of the head fraction must be separated. This part should not be eaten. To separate the tail fraction, it is necessary to measure the strength of the drink. The work must be completed when the alcohol strength drops to 40% vol. The output should remain about 0.45 liters of alcohol of at least 50% vol. Therefore it is diluted with water. After this, the finished drink is left to stand for 2–3 hours and then filtered using activated charcoal or charcoal.

Moonshine can be consumed 2-3 days after production.

Using yeast and sugar

For this recipe you need 1 kg of granulated sugar for every 4 liters of beer mixed with water.

After gases begin to be released and the volume of yeast increases, they are poured into the solution with the wort.

The fermentation container is taken out into a dark but warm room. The temperature there should be maintained between 24 and 28ºС. Since beer fermentation produces a large amount of foam, it is necessary to provide the required volume of fermentation tank. To reduce the formation of foam, you can crumble cookies or crackers into the wort. The fermentation process takes 7–8 days. When it ends, there are no gases, and the solution in the fermentation tank becomes lighter.

After this, the resulting alcoholic liquid is filtered and then distilled. Then you need to filter the alcohol again and separate the head and tail parts. After this, you need to distill the moonshine again. Clean it again with a gauze filter. Bottled. You can drink moonshine after 2-3 days. The taste of the resulting drink is inferior to the moonshine described in the first recipe. But the presence of hops and malt is felt.

Most people are accustomed to the fact that moonshine is prepared from various grains, fruits and even vegetables.

In fact, you can get this strong alcohol from lower-alcohol drinks, such as beer.

In this case, you can use either a foamy drink that has already expired or a freshly prepared one.

Reference! Both homemade beer and alcohol prepared in industrial conditions are suitable for preparing beer moonshine.

From expired

This cooking option has a lot of positive qualities:

  1. Allows you to profitably dispose of expired alcohol.
  2. Makes it possible to get high quality homemade moonshine.
  3. Allows you to evaluate the taste of a unique and rare homemade drink.

In principle, this strong alcohol based on beer is prepared quite simply and does not require the use of any unique expensive products.

To prepare it you will need:

  • Beer (preferably use only one type of beer)
  • Filtered water for diluting “pervak”

The drink is prepared in the following way:

  1. Getting rid of gases. Even beer that is past its expiration date contains a large amount of carbon dioxide. During the distillation process, it will intensively form foam and ultimately significantly worsen the taste and aroma of the finished moonshine. Therefore, it is necessary to eliminate the gases. To do this, beer is poured into a cube and stirred until foam stops appearing, then left in the open cube for another hour.
  2. Then it is necessary to carry out the first distillation. The device should be heated very slowly to prevent intense foam formation. All the resulting pervak ​​should be collected in one container and its strength measured. Distillation is stopped at the moment when the strength of the liquid reaches thirty degrees.
  3. Then it is necessary to carry out a secondary distillation. Before passing the liquid through the still, it should be diluted with filtered water to 20% of the volume obtained after the first distillation. The first 10 percent of the resulting moonshine should be poured out - it contains too high a content of harmful substances. Distillation should be continued until the strength of the moonshine reaches 50 degrees.
  4. Now the resulting alcoholic drink should be settled and filtered. These operations will ultimately result in clear moonshine with a characteristic light hop aroma and delicate flavor. To do this, the moonshine is left in a sealed, closed container for a day. And then filtered through a carbon filter.

Reference! The finished strong alcoholic drink, made from beer, has a unique and inimitable aroma that cannot be compared with other types of moonshine.

Before use, it should be kept in the refrigerator for a couple of days.

From fresh

This moonshine is prepared not just from beer, but also with the addition of yeast and granulated sugar.


To prepare it you will need:

  • 500 g granulated sugar;
  • 25 g dry yeast;
  • 4 liters of fresh light beer.

The taste of the drink prepared according to this recipe is quite specific with a distinct malt flavor and aroma.

This moonshine is prepared as follows:

  1. Just like in the first recipe, you first need to get rid of the excess carbon dioxide in the alcohol base. To do this, pour it into a cube, stir well and leave for about one hour.
  2. At this time, the sourdough is prepared. To do this, yeast is diluted according to the instructions on the package. If you don’t have dry yeast on hand, you can also use compressed yeast; one kilogram of sugar will require 100 g. When the starter is ready, it is poured into a cube to the base.
  3. After this, install a water seal and leave the mash for 10 days at a temperature of 30 degrees above zero.

Important! After introducing the yeast into the beer, intense foam begins to appear; to reduce it, you can crumble some breadcrumbs on top, about 100 grams.

Watch the video in which an experienced moonshiner describes the process of making mash from beer:


  1. Primary distillation is stopped when the stream shows a strength of 35 degrees.
  2. Then the volume of the resulting liquid is measured and the volume of pure alcohol is determined. Add 15% of the water from the resulting first batch and mix everything.
  3. A second distillation is carried out, which is stopped after the strength of the liquid reaches 55 degrees.

The finished moonshine must be left for three days in a cool and dark place, and then additionally filtered through a charcoal or wood filter.

Moonshine is considered a common drink. Manufacturing proceeds quickly. It is quite universal, since it is taken as the basis for the preparation of such?noble? drinks such as cognac, whiskey, liqueur. A distinctive feature is that it is based on natural products. The drink is made from vegetables, fruits, and even sweets. Beer was no exception.

If there is expired beer in the house, then, of course, you cannot drink it. This is quite dangerous to your health. But don't rush to throw it away. From it you can get moonshine with excellent taste. In addition, rarely do any people resort to such a method. The resulting drink from expired beer can surprise the most experienced moonshiners. As for the beer itself, any brand and strength will be useful.

To make moonshine from beer you will need:

  • 5 liters of beer
  • 0.5 l water

Cooking stages

Bread and hops when making moonshine

Moonshine on bread has a high taste. It has become widespread in Ukraine. It's strong enough
drink. Bread moonshine is inherently soft. Recipes for drinks on bread are quite simple. One of the most common recipes is moonshine made with bread and hops.

To prepare this drink, wheat or rye grains are required. They are germinated in wooden containers. It is recommended to stir the grains periodically so that they do not sour. You will also need boiled mashed potatoes. Potatoes can be chopped in a meat grinder or mashed with a spoon. Its mass should be 2 times the mass of the resulting grains. For example, take one bucket of wheat and two buckets of boiled potatoes. The output is 2 liters of alcohol. Hops are brewed separately.

Preparing a hop decoction is quite simple. Pour a glass of cones with 1 glass of water and boil for 10 minutes. Then the resulting broth must be cooled to 40 °. Strain the resulting broth through cheesecloth into a liter jar, add 1 tbsp. spoon of flour and sugar, mix well and cover with a cloth. The hop yeast will be ready in 3 days.

The basis of the drink based on bread and hops is mash. You can use the mash left over from preparing the previous moonshine. 2 liters of mash is mixed with 3 liters of hops. The resulting liquid is poured into mashed potatoes and ground malt. The finished mixture is stored in a warm place until it stops fermenting. After this, the moonshine can be distilled.

Moonshine from beer is made at home using any type of this alcoholic drink. To make high-quality moonshine from beer, you need to fulfill some conditions. The best alcoholic drink comes out if you take several liters of fermented or expired beer to make it. There are many different ways to distill low-alcohol liquid into moonshine. Below is a recipe that may be useful to owners of small home brewers, as they sometimes accumulate fermented beer. But this recipe can be used by any moonshiner who wants to treat himself to a pleasant alcoholic drink.

Making alcohol from old beer is similar to distilling homemade mash, but there are some differences. The quality of the beer from which the alcohol will be distilled is of great importance. To obtain a high-quality drink, the products sold on supermarket shelves are not suitable. The best material to make beer moonshine is unpasteurized draft beer.

The recipe for such an alcoholic drink involves using only light varieties of beer liquid. If a person has a home brewery, then it is recommended to use beer wort in production. Then the quality of the resulting alcohol will be very high.

We must also take into account the fact that beer liquid foams a lot. Therefore, there is a danger of beer splashing out into the moonshine still if the entire cube is filled with liquid. Therefore, it is recommended to fill the vessel only 50%, although this will reduce the amount of product obtained.

There is a recipe for how to eliminate foam formation. The beer liquid is poured into a separate vessel, which is left for 24 hours without a lid. All the carbon dioxide will come out of the beer.

After this treatment, the liquid can be safely distilled.

If the beer liquid is of low quality, then after distilling it through a moonshine still for the first time, a pungent odor may form. To get rid of this trouble, distillation must be repeated. After this, it is recommended to filter the resulting drink well. This will improve the color of the liquid and its taste. The resulting moonshine can be purified with activated carbon. If you don’t have it, you can use homemade charcoal by treating small wooden pegs on a burner flame.

The product yield after distillation is 6-10% of the amount of starting material. For example, from 10 liters of beer liquid you can get 700-1000 ml of moonshine. The strength of such an alcoholic drink will be from 40 to 50% vol. It tastes like whiskey, but beer moonshine contains the taste of malt and the aroma of hops.

How to prepare the described drink

Some moonshiners recommend using yeast and granulated sugar in the process of making mash. But we must take into account that beer contains preservatives, so additional ingredients can interrupt the fermentation process that has begun or the original product will simply turn sour. In this case, you may end up with an alcohol mixture that has nothing to do with beer. To obtain high-quality alcohol, the original recipe involves the use of the following components:

  1. Light beer - 4.5–5 l.
  2. Clean water (preferably from a spring or artesian well) - 500 ml.

The technological process begins by removing carbon dioxide from the original drink. To do this, beer is poured into a cube and left. It should remain in the vessel for 60–120 minutes. Every 15 minutes you need to go to the container and stir the liquid, this speeds up the process of gas release.

After the specified period, the beer is distilled for the first time. To do this, the moonshine still must be on a low flame. This is necessary so that a lot of foam does not appear during the heating process. After the distillation is completed, there is no need to separate the head and tail fractions. As a result, 600–700 ml of distillate will be released.

Its strength will be in the range of 32–38% vol.

To improve the taste of the drink, a second distillation is required. First add 500 ml of water to the resulting alcohol liquid. After passing the liquid through the moonshine still, 30 ml of the head fraction must be separated. This part should not be eaten. To separate the tail fraction, it is necessary to measure the strength of the drink. The work must be completed when the alcohol strength drops to 40% vol. The output should remain about 0.45 liters of alcohol of at least 50% vol. Therefore it is diluted with water. After this, the finished drink is left to stand for 2–3 hours and then filtered using activated charcoal or charcoal. Moonshine can be consumed 2-3 days after production.

Using yeast and sugar

For this recipe you need 1 kg of granulated sugar for every 4 liters of beer mixed with water.

If dry yeast is used, it is recommended to make a starter using about 90–100 g of yeast for every 5–6 kg of granulated sugar. These components are diluted in warm (no more than 25ºС) water.

After gases begin to be released and the volume of yeast increases, they are poured into the solution with the wort.

The fermentation container is taken out into a dark but warm room. The temperature there should be maintained between 24 and 28ºС. Since beer fermentation produces a large amount of foam, it is necessary to provide the required volume of fermentation tank. To reduce the formation of foam, you can crumble cookies or crackers into the wort. The fermentation process takes 7–8 days. When it ends, there are no gases, and the solution in the fermentation tank becomes lighter.

After this, the resulting alcoholic liquid is filtered and then distilled. Then you need to filter the alcohol again and separate the head and tail parts. After this, you need to distill the moonshine again. Clean it again with a gauze filter. Bottled. You can drink moonshine after 2-3 days. The taste of the resulting drink is inferior to the moonshine described in the first recipe. But the presence of hops and malt is felt.

At the height of summer, your refrigerator turned off, or the expected number of guests did not arrive, but a lot of beer was prepared - and without any objective reasons, this product has its own specific shelf life, after which its unique taste and presentation are lost. Don’t rush to throw away this beer, but try to use it to your advantage. We are talking about using expired beer to make moonshine.

Making moonshine without adding sugar and yeast

This method uses only pure product without added sugar and yeast. To make the product, any beer is useful - canned, draft, live, bottled, and its type does not matter in any way, since the strength of 4.5–5 degrees is necessarily already present in any of them. You need to take a large saucepan or tank and pour the product you have into it, adding 0.5 liters of water for every 5 liters of drink. The tank is filled to 1/3 of its volume. Any beer initially contains a large amount of carbon dioxide, which must be eliminated, since this gas contains many harmful substances that can spoil the taste of the final drink. The contents of the container are mixed several times until the foam on the surface completely disappears. To speed up this process, you can place crushed cookies or crackers in the tank, and then leave it open for about an hour, which guarantees complete removal of carbon dioxide. After this, the vessel is tightly closed with a lid and you can begin processing.

Making moonshine with added sugar and yeast

According to the second method, a starter is prepared with yeast, sugar and water. To prepare the wort, you need to add 1 kg of sugar to 4 liters of liquid consisting of beer and water, then add the starter prepared in advance, for which 50-100 grams of sugar are dissolved in warm water, and to this solution add pressed or dry yeast in a proportion of 100 g per 1 kg of pressed sugar, or 100 g per 6 kg of dry sugar. Place the wort in a warm place with a temperature of 24–30°C. It is necessary to maintain a constant temperature regime, avoiding either overheating, which will contribute to the death of the yeast, or a decrease in temperature, which will increase the fermentation period. During fermentation, a large amount of foam may be released, so this must be taken into account when choosing the size and volume of the tank. To reduce foaming, you can add crushed cookies or crackers. After about a week, the wort is ready for processing, as indicated by the absence of carbon dioxide emissions and the solution becoming clearer.

To process beer mash into moonshine, distillation devices called moonshine stills are used, which separate low-boiling fractions (ethyl alcohol) from water and fusel oils, as a result of which the liquid obtained as a result of distillation has a strength much greater than it was originally.

There are many options for distillation apparatus used to process wort into alcohol-containing liquid:

The simplest moonshine still is a large container into which mash is poured, and a smaller vessel is placed on the surface of the liquid in this container. The tank is tightly closed with a lid, which is cooled in any possible way. The mash is brought to a boil, and then a constant temperature is maintained until the end of the process. Light fractions evaporate and fall onto the cold lid, where condensation forms, which then drips into the upper container. This primitive method has existed since ancient times, but is still used today.

A more modern method of producing condensate is the use of structures of various types, in which the volatile fractions obtained during boiling of the mash are condensed in coils cooled in an accessible way. You can make such moonshine stills with your own hands, or you can buy them on the market. It is possible to use a classic distiller for distilling the wort, sold in pharmacies or medical equipment stores.

Stages of obtaining moonshine during distillation

During initial processing, 5 liters of mash produces 0.6 liters of drink with a strength of 30–35 degrees. During the first distillation, you can not separate the first 25–30 ml of distillation, which contains the maximum amount of harmful substances. If you are satisfied with this strength, then you can limit yourself to the first distillation, but try to use the first 25–30 ml of the resulting liquid only for preparing lotions or rubbing;

At the second stage, a strong and pure product is obtained that does not contain fusel oils, for which the moonshine obtained after primary processing must be diluted with water by half and then poured into a clean container for re-distillation. After the end of the second stage, 0.5 liters of pure product with a strength of 48–50 degrees is obtained. Do not forget to get rid of the first portion of the resulting distillation, which contains harmful impurities;

The finished drink can be filtered using a carbon filter, which is installed at the outlet of the coil or when pouring the finished moonshine into a storage container. The cleaning method using potassium permanganate powder or household water purifiers is also used.

Moonshine from beer can be consumed after the purification process, and it’s up to you to dilute it to the desired condition or not dilute it at all. Many people love flavored vodkas, which are obtained by infusing the resulting drink with various herbs, fruits and berries. Galangal root gives the drink a brownish color, similar to the color of cognac.