Cooking baked shanks in the oven. Pork leg baked in the oven. Pork knuckle in mustard-honey marinade

Baked shank is a dish with amazing taste.

Pork is most often used for it, as it is best suited for baking.

Behind the crispy skin lies the most tender meat, soaked in fat and the aromas of fragrant spices.

The process of preparing the shank is quite long, but it is not complicated and even the youngest housewife can handle it. To prevent the meat from drying out, it is better to cook it in foil.

Knuckle in foil in the oven - general principles of cooking

To make the shank juicy, you need to marinate it before cooking. To do this, use: ready-made sauces, mayonnaise, mustard, garlic, spices, honey or sour cream. Sometimes the product is placed in brine or beer. For a good effect, marinating is carried out for 10-24 hours. But if the pig is young or there is no time, you can limit it to 1-2 hours. The leg is then wrapped in foil and baked for at least 2 hours.

Cooking pork knuckle in the oven can consist of two stages: pre-cooking and subsequent baking. In this case, you don’t have to marinate the leg in advance and add spices to the pan: bay leaf, peppercorns, you can also add onions, carrots, roots.

Pre-cooking does not cook the meat; it should remain firm. To keep the piece in shape, you can wrap the leg with thread or tie it with twine. Then the leg is removed, the threads are removed, dried, coated with spices and sauces, packed in foil and baked for 30-50 minutes.

Recipe 1: Knuckle in foil in the oven with mustard and honey

Spicy sauces go great with fatty pork. To cook shanks in foil in the oven, it is better to use real mustard. It should be sharp, burning.

1 shank per 1.5-2 kg;

2 spoons of honey;

2 tablespoons mustard;

6 cloves of garlic;

1 spoon of salt;

1 spoon of khmeli-suneli.

Instead of khmeli-suneli, you can use seasoning for meat, barbecue, or any universal mixture.

1. The skin of the knuckle needs to be thoroughly cleaned. You can simply scrape it with a knife or use a steel wool. Then rinse the leg well and dry it.

2. Now you need to make circular cuts in the skin on the knuckle. This is necessary so that when cooking it does not tighten the meat. Three cuts are enough.

3. Peel the garlic cloves, cut them in half and stuff a piece. You can simply insert the pieces into the meat through the previously made cuts.

4. If the honey is thick, then melt it. Add mustard and all other spices to it. Stir.

5. Rub the knuckle with the prepared sauce.

6. Take foil and wrap our workpiece. You need to leave it like that for 2 hours, but it’s better to remove it overnight.

7. Transfer the package to a baking sheet and place it in the oven to cook for 100-120 minutes at 180 degrees.

Recipe 2: Knuckle in foil in the oven with potatoes

A special feature of cooking shanks in the oven in foil according to this recipe is the addition of potatoes. This way the leg cooks long enough to allow the whole potato to be baked. You don’t even need to remove the skin from young tubers, just rinse them well.

200 grams of onion;

1 kg of potatoes;

1 bay leaf;

2-4 tablespoons of oil;

6 peppercorns;

Seasonings for pork or barbecue.

1. Prepare the knuckle. How to do this correctly is described in detail in the previous recipe.

2. Mix seasonings with salt, add vegetable oil. It is necessary so that the spices do not fall off the piece.

3. Rub the pork on all sides with the prepared mixture. Cover with cling film and let marinate for 2-3 hours.

4. Peel the onion and cut into thick 5 mm rings.

5. Wash and peel the potatoes. Large tubers can be cut into 2 parts.

6. Place the piece in foil, place potato tubers in a circle, stick in onion rings and sprinkle everything on top with spices and salt. Don't forget to add peppercorns and bay leaves.

7. Pack the package and bake for 2-2.5 hours at 170 degrees.

Recipe 3: Knuckle in foil in the oven with mayonnaise

One of the easiest ways to cook pork knuckle in foil in the oven. A minimum set of spices and additional ingredients.

100 grams of mayonnaise;

1 spoon of salt;

0.5 tsp. black pepper;

1 head of garlic.

1. Chop the garlic, add salt and pepper. Add mayonnaise and mix.

2. Prepare the shank: wash, clean, cut. The best way to do this is described in detail in the first recipe.

3. Rub the piece with mayonnaise, put it in a bag, tie it and put it in a cool place for 12 hours.

4. After a while, take the pork out of the refrigerator and remove the bag. Rub the spices over the surface with your hands again.

5. Unfold the foil, lay out a piece, and pack it.

6. Place in the oven. Cook the shank for about two hours at 170 degrees. Then turn off the oven, let the meat lie for another half hour, without unrolling the foil.

Recipe 4: Knuckle in foil in the oven with sauerkraut

Traditional Russian dish. Previously, it was cooked in the oven, but today everything is much simpler, thanks to foil. The shank turns out juicy, aromatic, and goes well with sauerkraut. And don’t try to replace it with a fresh vegetable, it won’t be the same at all. The dish is prepared in two stages with pre-cooking.

700 grams of sauerkraut;

7 cloves of garlic;

1 spoon of salt;

5 peppercorns;

2 bay leaves;

¼ spoon of black pepper;

50 grams of butter;

3 spoons of sour cream;

½ spoon of mustard;

2 onions.

1. Wash the leg and wipe the skin dry.

2. Peel the garlic cloves, moisten and dip in salt. We make cuts in the skin and meat, stick in the prepared slices. We don’t use all the salt; we leave half to lubricate the piece.

3. Now you need to wrap the shank with threads so that the skin does not come off during cooking.

4. Place the preparation in a saucepan, add one peeled onion, bay leaves, add the remaining salt, add water and cook for 1.5 hours. If desired, you can add peppercorns and clove stars to the broth.

5. Finely chop the remaining onion and fry in a frying pan until transparent.

6. Add cabbage and fry with onions for about 10 minutes.

7. Take out the finished shank, cool it, remove the threads, rub it with black pepper and sour cream.

8. Place cabbage on a piece of foil. Top the prepared piece, seal it and put it in the oven for 40 minutes.

9. If you need to fry the pork leg until golden brown, then 15 minutes before the end of cooking, remove the foil and bring it to the desired color.

Recipe 5: Stuffed shank in foil in the oven

Another recipe for pork knuckle with sauerkraut. It stuffs the pork leg, so choose a piece with intact skin.

150 grams of cabbage;

1 bay leaf;

1 onion;

A little oil;

Salt pepper;

2 spoons of mayonnaise.

1. Cut the onion and fry in a frying pan. As soon as the pieces become transparent, add the cabbage. Fry together for 10 minutes.

2. Boil the eggs. Chop and mix with cabbage.

3. We wash the knuckle, clean the skin and carefully separate it from the pulp. But we don’t delete it, it should remain in place.

4. Fill the resulting hole with cabbage filling.

5. Wrap the piece with thread several times so that the skin does not move out.

6. Mix mayonnaise with salt and pepper.

7. Lubricate the entire shank, right with the thread, and pack it in a piece of foil.

8. Bake for 2.5 hours. First we set it to 180 degrees, after an hour we lower the temperature to 160.

Recipe 6: Knuckle in foil in the oven with tkemali sauce

A very aromatic and tasty recipe for cooking pork knuckle in foil in the oven. If you don’t have tkemali, you can try replacing the sauce with a mixture of ketchup with plum or applesauce, it will also work out well.

4 spoons of tkemali;

5 cloves of garlic;

1 spoon of mustard;

0.5 tablespoons of salt;

2 tablespoons of oil.

1. The washed and dried leg should be beautifully cut. To do this, take a sharp knife and make a mesh on the skin, about 4 millimeters deep. Due to the structure of the leg, the depth in some places will only be as thick as the skin.

2. Peel the garlic. We cut the cloves into 4 pieces lengthwise so that the pieces are sharp. We stuff the pulp.

3. Rub the knuckle with salt, carefully working out the cuts.

4. Mix tkemali with mustard, add oil.

5. Rub the piece with the prepared mixture, transfer it to an airtight container or bag, pour over the remaining sauce and set aside to marinate for 12 hours.

6. We take out our preparation, rub the tkemali sauce well over the surface again, and pack the leg in foil.

7. Cook for 2 hours at 160°C. Then we take it out, remove the top part of the foil, increase the temperature to 190-200 °C and fry until golden brown.

Recipe 7: Knuckle roll in foil in the oven with apples

A recipe for an amazing knuckle roll that will decorate any holiday table. It can be eaten hot, but slices from a chilled dish look especially beautiful. You can use any apples, but green ones are better.

2 onions;

2 bay leaves;

5 peppercorns;

70 grams of cheese;

1 spoon of salt;

2 cloves of garlic;

2 spoons of ketchup;

1. Wash the knuckle, make a side cut and carefully remove the meat from the bone. Where necessary, cut with a knife. We try not to damage the canvas.

2. Salt and pepper the resulting piece.

3. Peel the apples and cut into cubes. We also chop the onion. Pass the garlic cloves through a press.

4. Three cheeses and add to the filling. It will be a binding product.

5. Place the filling on the piece, roll it up, wrap it with thread several times so that it takes the even shape of a log and does not unwind during baking.

6. Grease the top and sides of the roll with ketchup, and pack it in foil.

7. Place in the oven for an hour. Fry at 170 degrees. We take it out, cool it without unrolling the foil, and put it in the refrigerator to harden.

8. Remove from foil, cut into 1.5 cm cross-sections and serve!

Juniper berries added to the pan when cooking the shanks will give the meat a slight aroma of game. Marjoram has the same property. You can add a little to the foil, but not to the leg itself.

If you need to coat the knuckle with hot sauce, but you don’t want to get your hands dirty, you can use a silicone brush. It applies the mass in an even layer and easily penetrates all difficult places.

If you want to get a crispy and golden-brown skin, remove the foil at the end of cooking, grease the leg with butter and fry at high temperature (from 210 degrees). Instead of butter, you can also use the juice drained from the leg itself.

The shank will be especially aromatic if it is marinated in dark beer for a day. By the way, you can also bake pork in it. Based on beer, many traditional Bavarian recipes have been created for preparing not only the shank, but also other parts of the pork carcass.

Hello girls! Today we have a very fatty and tasty topic: I will tell you how to cook pork knuckle in the oven so that you will lick your fingers and ask for more.

A shank is a drumstick, or as people also say, a bullock, which becomes the main ingredient in rich soup and jellied meat, and few people know that it can be used to prepare an incredibly tasty second course. Of course, the drumstick takes a long time to prepare, but it is very, very simple. In addition, the time spent is worth it to spend a tasty and juicy evening with a wine leg!

This dish came to us from the Czech Republic. Previously, it was prepared from boar's knee, now it is just pork shin. The Czechs are very proud of the recipe, because it has spread all over the world, filling restaurants and holiday tables. If you try this dish, be sure that you will remain full for a very long time.

Before you decide how to bake the shank, you need to choose the right meat. Otherwise, no matter how hard you try, it will not be soft and juicy. Therefore, take some advice.

  1. Buying a good drumstick is the first step to preparing a delicious dish. Since we are going to cook the dish in the oven, we need to buy a meaty rear leg
  2. When purchasing, look at what the product looks like: the skin, which should be light, and the meat should be dense, with white layers of fat, as in the photo. Pork also has a pleasant sweet smell.
  3. The weight of the bullock should be about 1200-1800 grams. Large sizes indicate that perhaps the animal was old, or the meat was very fatty, or pumped with liquid.

Preparing to cook

To keep the pork tender, defrost it at room temperature. Next, wash the bullock in running water and scrape the skin. The further plan of action depends on the specific recipe - the meat is either boiled, or baked. Since I am not a cook by any stretch of the imagination, all the recipes will be elementary and applicable at home.

Pork knuckle in the oven

Cooking method

  • Soak cleaned and washed drumsticks (1.5 kg) in milk and leave in a cool place for 2-3 hours. Next, dry
  • Put the meat to cook, bring to a boil and skim off the foam
  • Add 10 g to the pan. salt, 6 peas each of allspice and black pepper, 3 pcs. bay leaf. Reduce heat and simmer meat for an hour
  • After an hour, add peeled carrots and onions to the broth
  • After 20 minutes, remove the pork from the broth and cool
  • Mix 30 gr. honey, mustard and soy sauce. Brush the leg with ½ of the resulting sauce
  • Preheat the oven to 180 degrees and place a baking sheet with the shank there for 10 minutes. Next, brush the drumstick again with the remaining sauce and bake it for another 10 minutes. Pork knuckle baked in the oven is ready

Bake the shank in foil

  • The recipe for cooking pork knuckle in foil is very simple and will suit every housewife:
  • Place 1 kg of processed meat to cook in a deep saucepan. After the water boils, add one teaspoon of salt, carrots and onions in their skins. Cook for 50 minutes. Next, remove the drumstick from the broth and let cool
  • Mix 30 gr. mayonnaise, 5 gr. teaspoon salt, 4 cloves of grated garlic, 10 gr. hops-suneli and 5 gr. pepper
  • Brush the cooled meat with sauce
  • Place a large sheet of foil on a baking sheet and wrap the meat in it
  • Cook the bully in the oven for 45 minutes at 220 degrees. Remove the foil 20 minutes before cooking to brown the meat.

Pork knuckle in beer


  • Wash the drumstick (2 kg) and place it in a saucepan. Pour beer over the meat and place it over high heat.
  • Peel all the vegetables: 2 onions, 3 cloves of garlic, coarsely chop 2 carrots and 100 gr. celery
  • Wait until the beer boils (a total of 2 liters will be needed) and add carrots, celery, garlic cloves, and whole onions to the pan. Also don’t forget about spices: black and allspice (5 peas each), cloves, cumin, salt (just a pinch and to your taste)
  • Cook the shank over low heat for 2-3 hours. Don't forget to turn it over so it cooks well.

While the meat is cooking, we can prepare the side dish. Bavarian style pork knuckle served with sauerkraut.

For the garnish you need:

  • Sauerkraut
  • Onion
  • Coriander
  • Vegetable little
  • Bouillon
  1. Cut the onion into half rings and fry until golden brown
  2. Drain the brine from 1 kg of cabbage and add to the pan with the onions. Fry over medium heat
  3. Pour in the meat broth and add 5-10 grams of spices.
  4. Simmer the cabbage for 30 - 40 minutes

Now let's prepare the sauce. Mix 2 tablespoons of beer broth with mustard and honey.

After you have taken out and cooled the drumstick, you need to make cuts in a circle and spread the sauce on the meat. Preheat the oven to 160 degrees. Place the cabbage on a baking sheet and place the buldzhka on top. Bake the dish for 30 minutes, periodically basting with broth. Stir the cabbage constantly to prevent burning.

I would like to add that Bavarian-style pork knuckle is the same Czech-style pork knuckle, which is a favorite dish in European restaurants. After all, both countries simply adore this dish and its combination with the local favorite drink - beer.

Bake the shank in the sleeve

This cooking recipe will allow you to cook juicy drumsticks very quickly:

  • Grate drumstick (1.5 kg) 50 g. syrup or juice and leave for 2 hours
  • Lubricate the bulldozer with salt and place it in your sleeve. Add coarsely chopped potatoes (1.5 kg) and unpeeled garlic (1 head) and garlic arrows (200 gr.)
  • Fasten the edges of the sleeve and bake in the oven for 2.5 hours at 160 degrees

Spicy pork knuckle

Cooking method:

  • Marinate the cleaned drumstick (1.5 kg) in milk for 2-3 hours
  • Pass 3 cloves of garlic through a press, mix it with mayonnaise (60 g), ketchup (30 g), black pepper (10 g) and salt (20 g)
  • The sauce is ready, grease the bulldozer with it
  • Heat the oven to 200 degrees, wrap the drumstick in foil and cook it for 2 hours.

OK it's all over Now! Marinated spicy pork shank is ready!

Spicy shank with apples


  • Peel 5 cloves of garlic and chop them
  • Core and peel 3 apples and cut into slices
  • Rub cleaned drumstick (1.5 kg) with salt, garlic and pepper
  • Wrap the shank and apples in foil and place in an oven preheated to 180 degrees for 3 hours
  • Serve the finished buldyzhka along with apples

German knuckle

This dish, as the Germans call it, eisbahn, takes a really long time to prepare - 3 days, because two of them are in the marinade.

Let's start cooking!

  • Place the washed and cleaned shank (1.5 kg) in a container and fill with cold water. Leave in a cool place for 48 hours, changing the water every 6 hours
  • Mix 25 gr. salt, 15 g sugar, juniper berries, bay leaf, pepper. Add water and dip the meat into the resulting brine. Store in the refrigerator for 12 hours
  • Drain half the brine, add ½ teaspoon mustard, add water to completely cover the shank
  • Now cook the shank for 2 hours
  • Remove and cool. Next, mix 30 gr. honey, garlic, 30 gr. mustard and spread the sauce over the pork. Place it in the oven and bake until golden brown

Good marinade - juicy shank

An excellent solution would be to marinate the shank overnight to make it tasty and juicy. I offer you several recipes:

  1. You can marinate meat in beer. Two options: dark and light. In the first case, the pork will have a spicy taste and aroma, and in the second case, the meat is suitable for classic recipes
  2. Mix onion, black pepper, lemon juice and mustard, apply to meat
  3. Garlic porridge, ground red pepper, bay leaf - an excellent marinade for the night
  4. An exquisite aroma of meat is ensured if you place it overnight in a container with wine vinegar, fresh herbs, paprika and various types of peppers

How and with what to serve

Pork knuckle has tender and tasty meat, and if cooked correctly, it can very well become a beautiful holiday dish. It is most convenient to bake it in the oven, then it turns out rosy, crispy, quite juicy and at the same time soft.

The right shank is the key to excellent taste.

To bake a pork knuckle truly delicious, first of all you need to choose the right meat. Here are some tips on this matter:

  • The younger the pig, the softer its meat will be. If it is possible to check the age of the animal, then choose a pig no older than two years.
  • You can sometimes determine the age of an animal by the weight of the shank. The ideal weight ranges from 1200 to 1800 g. If the shank weighs more, then the pig was either old or overfed. In any case, the meat will be either tough or too fatty. Some unscrupulous sellers pump the meat with water to make it heavier.
  • The shanks from the hind legs are considered more tasty and tender, especially those parts located above the knee. In addition, there is more meat and a sufficient amount of fat. Such a shank will definitely not turn out dry and stringy.
  • Where to buy the knuckle is, of course, up to you. But we recommend doing this either at an organized market or in a supermarket. Meat at such points of sale, as a rule, undergoes sanitary control, so you can be sure of its safety.
  • If you don’t trust the seller, then ask him for documents for the pork. They must contain information that the animal was healthy and its meat is suitable for consumption.
  • The most delicious meat is the one that has not been frozen. Therefore, try to prepare the shank as soon as possible after purchase, so that you don’t have to hide it in the freezer.

Preparing the shanks for baking in the oven

  • If your shank was frozen, you need to defrost it, of course, before cooking. Place it on the counter or move it from the freezer to the refrigerator overnight. If you need to defrost quickly, place the shank in cold water. Under no circumstances should you put it in hot water, as it will remove a large amount of liquid and the meat will become dry.
  • Wash the knuckle, ready for baking, under the tap, and thoroughly scrape the skin with a knife. Sometimes the skin is removed before cooking, but it is better not to do this. The skin contains fat and gelatin, they soak the meat during baking, keeping it juicy and soft. And the knuckle with a golden brown crust looks much more appetizing when cooked.
  • Many recipes for baking shanks in the oven involve boiling them first. Although this cannot always be done, sometimes the leg is simply marinated in some interesting sauce.
  • If there is bristle on the skin of the shank, it is more convenient to remove it after you have welded the leg.

Recipes for cooking pork knuckle in the oven

Roasting a pork knuckle is a rather long process. To cook truly tasty and tender meat, it will take 2-3 hours, but it will be well spent. For you, we have collected several original ways to cook pork knuckle in the oven.

Pork knuckle in beer and spices

Before being baked in the oven, this shank is boiled in beer with the addition of onions, garlic and seasonings. Do not rush to pour out the broth remaining after cooking - you will pour it over the leg during baking. A nice thing: you don’t need a lot of ingredients for the dish. Their list is in front of you:

  • pork knuckle – 1 pc.;
  • onion – 1 pc.;
  • dark beer – 2.5 l;
  • garlic – 1 small head;
  • sunflower oil – 3 tbsp;
  • salt, black pepper, coriander, thyme - to taste.

Here's how this pork knuckle is made:

  • The meat is washed and the skin is carefully scraped with a knife. Then the shank is cut in several places. Salt is mixed with seasonings and rubbed on all sides of the leg.
  • After a couple of hours, the shank is placed in a pan and poured with beer. If necessary, add some salt to the beer so that the meat does not turn out bland. Place a whole peeled onion and half a garlic head in a bowl. Place the saucepan on the fire and cook the meat for 1.5 hours under the lid. After removing the foam, reduce the heat to low.
  • Remove the boiled shank and cool. The remaining garlic cloves are passed through a press and rubbed onto the meat. Then the shank is transferred to a greased baking sheet, poured beer broth on top and sent to a hot oven, where it is baked at a temperature of 200 °C for 1 hour.
  • From time to time the meat is checked and watered with beer.

Baked pork knuckle with apples

Roasting meat with apples is such a popular cooking method that it can be considered a classic. Moreover, it is not necessary to take duck, goose or chicken as meat; pork knuckle in a similar recipe will turn out no worse. Let's figure out what we need for this recipe:

  • pork knuckle – 1 pc.;
  • green apples – 2 pcs.;
  • garlic – 1 head;
  • onion – 1 pc.;
  • Teriyaki sauce – 3 tbsp;
  • apple or rice vinegar - 1 tbsp;
  • dark beer – 100 ml;
  • salt, black pepper, coriander, basil, fenugreek - to taste.

This recipe consists of the following steps:

  • It is advisable to divide the knuckle into 2 parts, and you can ask for this to be done at the market if you buy it there. Then the meat should be thoroughly washed and the skin scraped.
  • Then a marinade is made for the shanks. It mixes the following: rice or apple cider vinegar, Teriyaki sauce, beer, some salt and seasonings. The shank is soaked in this sauce for 3 hours.
  • Onions and garlic are peeled, cores are cut out of apples. Then the onion needs to be cut into quarters, each apple divided into 8 parts.
  • The pickled shank is placed in a greased form, apples, onions and garlic cloves are laid out around it. All this is poured with marinade.
  • The mold is covered with foil and placed in the oven preheated to 200 °C for 2 hours. Then remove the foil, pour juice over the meat and bake it in the oven for another 30 minutes.

Pork knuckle with tangerines, dill and celery

This recipe also uses citrus fruits, but for an excellent aroma, greens are added here - dill and celery. Let's look at the list of necessary components:

  • pork knuckle – 1 pc.;
  • tangerines – 2 pcs.;
  • mustard powder – 1 tbsp;
  • olive oil – 2 tbsp;
  • mixture “Provencal herbs” – 1 tbsp;
  • dill – 1 bunch;
  • celery – 2 stalks;
  • salt, pepper - to taste;
  • baking foil.

And the knuckle is baked according to this recipe like this:

  • Mix salt, mustard powder, olive oil and Herbes de Provence. We wash the meat thoroughly, clean the skin of dirt and bristles, make cuts in the shank and rub it with spicy sauce. Marinate the leg overnight, placing it in the refrigerator.
  • We peel the tangerines and divide them into slices. Spread foil on the table, spray it with oil, and place tangerine slices on top. Chop dill and celery, sprinkle with tangerines. Place the shank on top of the fruit and herbs, wrap it in foil and place on a baking sheet.
  • Add a glass of water to the baking sheet and place in a hot oven. At a temperature of 200 °C, bake the shank with tangerines for 1 hour.
  • After an hour, turn the baking sheet over with the front side facing the back wall of the oven, pour in another 1 glass of water and bake the meat for another 1.5 hours.
  • Then we cut the foil, bend the edges, revealing the knuckle. In this form, bake it for another 20-30 minutes to obtain a crust.

Juicy, tender, with a golden-brown baked crust, the shank fits perfectly into our winter menu. After all, it is during the cold winter times that our body necessarily requires hot, fatty food, delighting us with its satiety and warming us with the real warmth of home cooking. At first glance, there is absolutely nothing complicated in preparing pork knuckle, but the trouble is, in the hands of inexperienced housewives, this tasty part of the pork carcass can easily turn into a tough, dry, inedible dish. A few recipes for you, friends! Prepare it so that it will delight you and your loved ones with its tenderness, juiciness and such an appetizing aroma.

Pork knuckle "Classic"


Pork knuckle - 1 kilogram, garlic - 5 cloves
Mustard - 3 tablespoons, thyme - 1 teaspoon
Vegetable oil - 2 tablespoons, salt - 2 teaspoons


Wash the pork knuckle and dry with a towel.
Peel the garlic and cut each clove into 4 pieces.
Make slits in the pork knuckle and place a piece of garlic in each cut.
Mix vegetable oil, mustard and spices, salt and oil.
Rub the mixture onto the shanks, cover and place in the refrigerator for 5 hours.
Wrap the pork knuckle in foil and place on a baking sheet.
Preheat the oven to 180 degrees.
Place the pan with the pork knuckle on the middle rack of the oven.
Bake the pork knuckle for 1.5 hours.

Pork knuckle in beer


Fresh light beer - 1 liter, honey - 2 tablespoons
Oregano - half a teaspoon, cumin - 1 teaspoon
Coriander - 1 teaspoon, mustard - 1 tablespoon
Garlic - 5 cloves, peppercorns - 1 teaspoon
Salt - 2 teaspoons


Mix 1 liter of beer with oregano, cumin, coriander in a bowl.
Place the pork knuckle into this mixture and cover with oppression.
Marinate the shanks for 12 hours in the refrigerator.
After marinating, place the pan with the shank in the marinade over low heat.
Cook the pork knuckle for 3 hours over low heat, adding water if necessary so that the knuckle is always slightly covered with liquid.
Peel the garlic and cut into 3-4 petals.
Make 15 cuts in the shank with a knife, insert garlic into the cuts.
Lubricate the knuckle with mustard and honey.
Preheat the oven to 150 degrees.
Place the shank in a baking dish and pour over the marinade.
Bake the shank for 1.5 hours.

Using the same recipe, bake in a slow cooker.

Place the pork knuckle in a multicooker container and pour in the marinade broth.
Set the multicooker to the "Baking" mode.
Close the multicooker with a lid and bake for 1.5 hours.

Knuckle baked with potatoes


Pork knuckle, 2 pcs., onion, 1 pc., garlic, 2-3 cloves
salt, bay leaf, 5 pcs., peppercorns, 10-15 pcs.
potatoes, 8-10 pcs., garlic, 5 cloves, rosemary
salt, pepper, melted butter


Pork knuckle turns out very tasty if you stew it with potatoes and garlic. First of all, cook the shanks with spices. Take one whole onion, a couple of cloves of garlic, a few bay leaves and peppercorns. Wash the shanks, add water and place on high heat until they boil. When the shanks boil, remove the foam, add onion, garlic, bay leaf and black peppercorns.

After this, remove the boiled shanks with a slotted spoon, strain the broth and leave for later, for preparing any first course of your choice.
We clean and wash the potatoes and garlic. Cut the potatoes in half, cut the garlic into flat slices. Rub each shank with salt and pepper, and do the same with the potato halves. Add melted butter to the bottom of the baking dish, sprinkle the potatoes and shanks with rosemary, add garlic.

Place in a preheated oven for 1 hour 15-30 minutes at a temperature of 200-220 degrees.
After an hour, turn the shanks over to the opposite side and increase the gas a little so that the reverse side also gets a golden crust. We transfer the prepared pork knuckles and potatoes to a dish, garnish with sprigs of herbs (dill, parsley).

The inside of the pork turned out juicy because we pre-boiled it. Thanks to the spices used at each of the two stages of preparing the shanks, the taste of the meat turned out to be original. By tasting a piece of pork knuckle meat, you will gradually discover all the notes of this wonderful dish.

Pork knuckle baked in the oven in foil

First, we suggest mastering a simple variation - knuckle baked in the oven in foil. Thanks to the use of foil and marinating, the meat on the knuckle cooks faster. There are no special rules for choosing shank for this dish. The main thing is that the meat is fresh and preferably belongs to a young animal.


Pork knuckle - 1-1.5 kg, juniper berries - 1 tsp.
cumin - 1 tsp, black pepper - 1/2 tsp, salt - 1 tsp.
garlic - 2 cloves, dark beer - 250 ml.
vegetables for installation (potatoes, carrots, onions)


Wash the pork knuckle thoroughly and dry it with a towel.
Mix juniper berries, salt, cumin and black pepper. Grind the spices in a mortar and rub the shank with the resulting aromatic mixture. Place the pork knuckle in the refrigerator overnight.

First thing in the morning, prepare your vegetables. They will become a pillow for our knuckle. Wash and peel the potatoes, onions and carrots. Cut the potatoes in half, the carrots into cubes, and the onion into rings. Place the vegetables on the bottom of a deep baking sheet, place the shank on top and pour dark beer over everything.

Cover the pan or baking sheet with foil and place the shank in the oven preheated to 180 degrees. Make holes in the foil to allow air to escape. Baking time is approximately 1-1.5 hours.

Attention! Do not remove the foil while baking. High temperatures combined with hot fat and carelessness can cause burns. The process of cooking pork knuckle in foil does not require visual inspection. After an hour and a half, remove the pork knuckle from the oven and remove the foil. Using a fork, pierce the pork skin - it should be soft. Using a sharp knife, make shallow cuts across the entire surface of the shank.

Pour the rendered fat and beer sauce generously over the pork knuckle. Send the shank back into the oven, but this time without foil and at an increased temperature of 250 degrees. Time from 20 minutes to half an hour. The shank will be ready when the pork skin cracks along the cuts and acquires a rich caramel shade.

Pork knuckle in sleeve


Pork knuckle – 1 pc., garlic – 8 cloves, mayonnaise – 2 tbsp.
Ground red pepper - to taste
Mixture of Italian herbs - 1 tbsp, salt - to taste


Scrape the skin of the pork knuckle well with a knife and wash. Using a sharp knife, make equal deep cuts across the entire surface of the skin. Peel the garlic and cut into pieces.
Stuff the knuckle with it.

For the marinade, use mayonnaise and a mixture of Italian herbs: coriander, rosemary, thyme and ground red chili pepper. Ground chili pepper can be replaced with fresh one. In this case, cut it into rings and stuff the knuckle. Rub the shank with a mixture of mayonnaise, herbs and pepper. Place in a sleeve or foil. Make punctures in it.

Place on a baking sheet and bake for 1 hour in a preheated oven at 180-200 degrees. Remove the shank, cut the sleeve or remove the top from the foil and continue baking in the oven for 15 minutes on both sides.
Serve the finished baked shank with herbs, lemon and chili pepper.

Well, for dessert... Pork knuckle baked in the oven
from Yulia Vysotskaya

This recipe was presented in one of the episodes of her culinary program by Yulia Vysotskaya. It is quite easy to prepare and incredibly tasty. But, most importantly, the pork knuckle baked in the oven from Vysotskaya turns out to be very tender, soft and juicy. You can achieve this result without beer by pre-cooking it and using the right spices to properly rub the shank with.


Pork knuckle - 1 kg, mustard - 1 tbsp. l., garlic - 3 cloves
bay leaf - 3 pcs., dried parsley - 1 tsp.
tomato paste - 1 tbsp. l., ground white pepper - 1 tsp.
black peppercorns - 5 pcs., dried basil - 1 tsp.
dried oregano - 1 tsp, Italian herbs - 1 tsp.
olive oil - 1 tbsp. l., salt,
potatoes - 1 kg.


Wash the pork knuckle thoroughly. In this recipe there is no need to dry and marinate the meat - we will cook the shank right away. Place the shank in a deep pan of water so that the liquid completely covers the pork. Add bay leaf, salt and peppercorns to the water. Bring to a boil, and then reduce the heat and continue cooking the shank for another 1-1.5 hours.

Grind the garlic and add spices to it: black and white pepper, oregano, basil. Stir and add mustard and tomato paste. Mix everything thoroughly again.

Cool the boiled shank, make several longitudinal cuts and thoroughly rub it with the prepared aromatic spice mixture. Place the pork knuckle in a baking sleeve and place in the oven for an hour. Temperature 200 degrees.

Serve pork knuckle baked in the oven on a bed of potatoes with Italian herbs. To prepare the side dish, peel the potatoes, cut the tubers into slices and add olive oil and Italian herbs, and salt. Mix thoroughly and bake in the oven for about forty minutes at 180 degrees.

Nuances... How long to bake a pork knuckle.

Bake the shank without preliminary marinating in the oven for 2 hours at 180 degrees.
- Bake the marinated shank for 1 hour at 180 degrees.
- Bake the boiled pork knuckle for 1.5 hours at a temperature of 150 degrees.
- Bake the pork knuckle in an air fryer for 1 hour, half an hour on both sides, at a temperature of 220 degrees.

* * *
Pork knuckle baked in the oven is the signature dish of Oktoberfest, the real pride of Bavaria and a delicious snack for beer. Germans, Austrians and Czechs have long been competing for the right to call baked knuckle their national treasure. Each of them has their own signature recipe for preparing pork knuckle. But all recipes boil down to approximately the same list of ingredients and similar culinary manipulations. And the essence of the dish is the same: delicious pork meat, fried in the oven with spices and beer. So let's leave the culinary debate to those who need it, and let's learn how to cook a juicy oven-baked pork knuckle.

In this article we will look at recipes for pork knuckle cooked in the oven.

Pork knuckle is an excellent product for preparing a delicious holiday dish. This part of the pork ham can be prepared in a variety of ways: baked with potatoes, marinated in various sauces, served with various side dishes.

Today we propose to consider the most popular and delicious recipes for preparing pork knuckle.

How to marinate a pork knuckle for baking: marinade recipe for knuckle

In order for the shank to be juicy, tender and tasty, it must first be marinated. Remember, this part of the pig must be pre-processed before baking. It is better if the shank is marinated, however, if there is absolutely no time for cooking, you can lightly boil the product, and only then bake it in a convenient way.

So, let's look at the most interesting recipes for shank marinades.

  1. Marinade with beer. We will need:
  • Beer 1.5-2 l. You can take dark or light beer, but a dark drink is better
  • Garlic – 3 cloves
  • Marjoram, oregano, basil, pepper, salt - at your discretion
  • We take the shank, rinse it thoroughly, clean it if necessary, remove any remaining bristles and place it in a deep container.
  • Mix beer with pre-peeled and grated garlic, also add all the spices
  • Rub the knuckle with salt and let it stand for about 1 hour, then pour in the marinade. Leave for at least 5 hours, preferably overnight.
  1. Marinade with kefir
  • Low-fat kefir – 1 l
  • Garlic – 4 cloves
  • Marjoram, cumin, black pepper, nutmeg, salt - at your discretion
  • Take about 1-1.5 kg of shank, clean, rinse and dry with a paper towel
  • We flavor it with all our spices
  • Peel the garlic, cut each clove into 4 parts
  • We make punctures in the meat and put a piece of garlic there
  • Pour kefir over the shank and let it marinate for at least 10 hours.
  1. Sweet and sour marinade. This marinade is definitely not for everyone, but the shank marinated in it will be unusually tasty and juicy.
  • Honey – 2 tbsp.
  • Lemon juice – 1 tbsp.
  • Pineapple syrup – 1 tbsp.
  • Ginger (powder) – a pinch
  • Black pepper, basil, paprika, salt - at your discretion
  • Garlic – 4 cloves
  • We process the knuckle in the previously described way.
  • Grind the garlic, mix with salt and generously season the knuckle on all sides. Give the product a little time, about 2 hours, to gain salt.
  • Mix lukewarm honey, lemon juice, syrup with all the spices and grease our entire shank with this mixture. Leave for at least 8-12 hours

  1. Tomato marinade.
  • Tomato paste – 3 tbsp.
  • Granulated sugar – 1 tsp.
  • Lemon juice – 2 tbsp.
  • Garlic – 5-6 cloves
  • Vegetable oil – 3 tbsp.
  • Boiling water – 3 tbsp. l.
  • Zira, turmeric, oregano, marjoram, ginger, paprika, salt - at your discretion
  • We clean the knuckle from any remaining bristles, rinse and dry. Season generously with salt
  • Having made small cuts in the shank, we put pre-peeled and chopped garlic into them in a convenient way
  • Set the shank aside for 1 hour, while we prepare the marinade
  • Gently mix tomato paste with vegetable oil
  • Add all the spices and spices to this mixture.
  • Dissolve sugar in boiling water and pour into the marinade, also add lemon juice
  • We take out the shank, season it with marinade and leave for about 10 hours

How to deliciously cook pork knuckle in the oven with spices: step-by-step recipe

In order to cook this part of the pig deliciously, it is not necessary to cook it exclusively with something like potatoes or other side dishes. An excellent option would be pre-marinated shank with spices.

So, for this recipe we need to take the following products:

  • Shank – 1 pc. (1 kg)
  • Garlic – 4 cloves
  • Basil, rosemary, paprika, ground black pepper, salt

We marinate the shank in soy sauce:

  • Soy sauce – 5 tbsp.
  • Vegetable oil – 2.5 tbsp.
  • Chopped bay leaf – 1.5 tsp.

Let's start preparing the shank:

  • We carefully inspect the product for the presence of stubble, remove it if necessary, and wash the shank, dry it with dry wipes or paper towels.
  • Peel the garlic and cut each clove into 4 pieces
  • We make cuts in the meat, into which we put garlic.
  • Generously season the meat with all the spices and salt

Making the marinade:

  • Mix butter and sauce
  • Add laurel
  • Lubricate the shank with sauce and let stand for about 2 hours.

All that remains is to bake the product:

  • Turn on the oven and preheat it to 170 °C
  • Place the shank in the sleeve and pour in the remaining marinade, so the shank will not become dry during cooking.
  • We tie the sleeve and make a few holes at the top so that it doesn’t simply burst during the cooking process.
  • Place the sleeve in a baking dish and let it cook for 2 hours.
  • In 10 min. Before the end of the cooking process, cut the sleeve so that the shank is slightly browned

How to deliciously cook pork knuckle in foil: recipe

It will not be a secret to anyone that products baked in foil turn out more juicy and tasty, because the juice from them evaporates much less during cooking. Let's look at an interesting recipe for cooking pork knuckle in foil.

So, we need the following products:

  • Knuckle – 1 pc.
  • Garlic – 4 cloves
  • Pork spice mixture, salt
  • Lemon – 1 pc.
  • Vegetable oil – 1.5 tbsp.
  • Onion – 1.5 pcs.
  • Carrots – 1.5 pcs.
  • Chopped bay leaf – 1 tsp.
  • Honey – 1.5 tbsp.

Let's start cooking the shank.

  • Wash the drumstick, clean it and dry it
  • We fill the container with water. You need to add enough water so that the entire shank is covered with it.
  • Place the shank in the water and put the container on gas. For this recipe, we lightly boil the shank to reduce the overall cooking time.
  • As soon as the water in the pan boils, remove the noise with a spoon
  • Place bay leaf, pre-peeled vegetables in a container, add a little salt to the water
  • After 25-30 minutes. take the shank out of our broth and let it cool
  • Now we make the deepest possible cuts in the meat and put in the pre-peeled garlic.
  • Season the shank with a mixture of spices, salt, lemon juice and honey
  • Wrap it tightly in foil, place it on a baking sheet and bake for about 1 hour. In 15 min. Before the end of the process, open the foil and let the knuckle brown

How to deliciously cook pork knuckle in onion skins: recipe

This recipe may initially seem somewhat strange, but after trying the shank prepared according to this recipe, you will definitely change your mind. To prepare shanks in onion peels, we need the following products:

  • Shank – 1 pc. (1-1.5 kg)
  • Onion peel - 2.5 cups
  • Garlic – 4 cloves
  • Soy sauce – 5 tbsp.
  • Barberry – 15 pcs.
  • Peppercorns – 10 pcs.
  • Lavrushka – 1 tsp.
  • Vegetable oil – 3 tbsp.

Let's start preparing the shank:

  • Take a container large enough to fit the knuckle, which should be completely covered with water.
  • We thoroughly process the shank itself, wash it and dry it
  • Place the pre-prepared and thoroughly washed husks, pepper, barberries, salt, and the shank itself into a pan and add the required amount of water.
  • Let the water boil, turn off the noise, add the bay leaf and cook over low heat for at least 1.5 hours. If the shank weighs 1.5-2 kg, then you should increase the cooking time by at least half an hour.

While our shank is cooking, we will make a mixture with which we will lubricate it after cooking:

  • Peel and grate the garlic
  • Add soy sauce and vegetable oil to it, if desired, you can add your favorite spices
  • After the time has passed, take out the shank, let it drain and cool slightly
  • Generously rub with our mixture and let stand for at least half an hour.
  • The knuckle is ready. Bon appetit!

How to deliciously cook pork knuckle in wine: recipe

Pork knuckle in wine sounds delicious, doesn't it? Rest assured, this dish looks no less appetizing, and the taste is just to lick your fingers. Let's not waste time, take the necessary ingredients and start cooking. By the way, according to this recipe we will cook the shank in a slow cooker.

  • Shank – 1 pc. (1.5 kg) or 2 pcs. (1 kg)
  • Wine – 300 ml (white)
  • Garlic – 5 cloves
  • Soy sauce – 2.5 tbsp.
  • Vegetable or olive oil - 3.5 tbsp.
  • Red pepper – a small pinch (spicy lovers can increase the amount)
  • Spices and salt - at your discretion

Let's start the cooking process:

  • The first thing I would like to say is to pay attention to the size of the shanks when purchasing, because when cooking in a slow cooker you need to take into account the size of its bowl. It’s better to take 2 small knuckles than 1, which simply won’t fit into the device
  • The product must be thoroughly cleaned; if necessary, scrape the shank, rinse it, and if necessary, soak it in water for a couple of hours. Dry with paper towels
  • Peel the garlic and put it into the cuts made on the shank
  • Now mix all the spices, salt, spices and oil and generously grease the shank with this mixture. Let it marinate for 5 hours, and if possible put it in the refrigerator for the whole night.
  • Now we take the device, put the shank there and turn on the “fry” mode, cook the product for about 15-25 minutes so that the shank becomes golden brown
  • After the time has passed, add soy sauce and alcohol to the bowl and, closing the multicooker lid, turn on the “multi-cook” mode. We set the settings – 130°C, 2 hours.
  • Check the condition of the steering wheel periodically. It may take a little more or a little less time to cook shanks in wine in your slow cooker.

How to deliciously cook pork knuckle in a bag with pumpkin sauce: recipe

Knuckle with pumpkin sauce is an incredibly tasty dish that will definitely please even the most picky gourmets. This treat is very simple to prepare, however, rest assured, more than one guest will ask for the recipe.

We stock up on the necessary products:

  • Shank – 1 pc.
  • Soy sauce – 150 ml
  • Garlic – 4 cloves
  • Lemon juice – 2.5 tbsp.
  • Spices, salt - at your discretion
  • Pumpkin – 300 g
  • Mayonnaise – 3.5 tbsp.

So, let's prepare a delicious dish:

  • We carefully scrape the shank and wash it, dry it
  • Peel the garlic, chop it with a grater, mix it with salt and spices
  • Rub the shank generously with the mixture and place in a cool place for at least 4 hours to marinate.
  • After this, we put the pickled shank in a sleeve, tie it and make several holes on top so that the sleeve does not burst during cooking.
  • Place the pan with the shank in the oven and bake for about 2 hours. In 15 min. Before the end of cooking, open the sleeve so that the shank is slightly fried

While the shank is cooking, make the pumpkin sauce:

  • Wash the pumpkin, peel it and wrap it in foil and cook it in the oven until soft.
  • Grind the already prepared pumpkin using a blender
  • Add mayonnaise to the puree, spices if desired. Those who like hot sauce can add red pepper or fresh chili pepper

That's all, our shank with pumpkin sauce is ready.

How to deliciously cook pork knuckle with mustard-honey sauce: recipe

Pork knuckle in mustard-honey sauce is a very tasty and satisfying dish that is perfect not only for a holiday table, but also for an ordinary family evening.

We purchase the following products:

  • Shank – 1 pc.
  • Honey – 3.5 tbsp.
  • Mustard – 1.5 tbsp.
  • Garlic – 4 cloves
  • Onion – 1.5 pcs.
  • Carrots – 1.5 pcs.
  • Mix of spices for pork, black peppercorns, salt - at your discretion

Let's start the cooking process:

  • Clean the knuckle, wash it and dry it
  • Place the shank in a container and fill it with water
  • We also send peeled vegetables, salt and peppercorns there.
  • We wait until the water in the pan boils, remove all the noise, reduce the heat and cook the shank for at least 2 hours
  • Mix spices, spices, honey and mustard
  • Place the cooked shank on a plate and wait for the broth to drain from it.
  • Generously grease the shank with our sauce, now wrap it tightly in foil and put it in the oven
  • We wait about 1 hour, 15 minutes. Before the end of the cooking process, open the foil and let the product brown
  • The shank is best served hot; if desired, you can flavor it with sesame seeds

How to deliciously cook Chinese pork knuckle with soy sauce: recipe

Chinese knuckle is a delicious hot dish that is definitely worth trying at least once. The shank according to this recipe turns out to be unusually aromatic and piquant.

So, we need to take the following products:

  • Pork shank – 1 pc.
  • Soy sauce – 4 tbsp.
  • Ginger (root) - a couple of pieces
  • Onion – 1 pc.
  • Granulated sugar - 2.5 tbsp.
  • Sunflower oil – 2.5 tbsp.
  • Mix of spices for pork, salt - at your discretion
  • Garlic – 4 cloves

Let's prepare something delicious.

  • Be sure to clean the shank, rinse and dry it
  • Place the knuckle in a container and fill it with water so that it is completely covered with it.
  • After the water in the pan boils, turn off the noise, put the shank on a plate, and leave the resulting broth in the pan
  • Pour oil into the frying pan, heat it up and put in a pre-peeled and chopped onion, chopped garlic and a couple of pieces of ginger, fry the contents of the frying pan for about 3 minutes.
  • Now add sugar to the mixture of vegetables and ginger, stir the entire contents of the frying pan and put the shank in it, fry it for 7 minutes. constantly turning over
  • Pour the sauce onto the shank, and then pour the broth in which the shank was cooked into the container, cover the pan with a lid and simmer for about 3 hours.
  • After the time has passed, take out the product, season with spices and salt and bake in foil in the oven for about another 25 minutes to get a golden brown crust.

How to deliciously cook German-style pork knuckle with sauerkraut: recipe

German shank or, as it is also called, eisbahn, is a very nourishing and tasty dish that all housewives should definitely try. Fried sauerkraut is served as a side dish, it turns out delicious.

We need the following products:

  • Shank – 1 pc.
  • Garlic – 4 cloves
  • Honey -1.5 tbsp.
  • Soy sauce – 80 ml
  • Dijon mustard - 2.5 tbsp.
  • Spices, spices, salt - at your discretion

Since the shank must first be boiled, you will need ingredients for the broth:

  • Onion – 1.5 pcs.
  • Carrots – 1.5 pcs.
  • Garlic - head
  • Bay leaf, black peppercorns, salt - at your discretion
  • Dark beer – 0.5 l

We will prepare the side dish from the following ingredients:

  • Sauerkraut – 1.5 kg
  • Onion – 3 pcs.
  • Granulated sugar – 1.5 tbsp.
  • Beer – 1 glass
  • Wheat flour – 2.5 tbsp.
  • Butter – 2 tbsp.

Preparing the knuckle:

  • We take the shank, process it and soak it in water for several hours, dry it
  • We transfer the shank into a container and fill it with water, put it on the fire, wait until it boils, remove the noise
  • After this, reducing the heat, let the knuckle cook for about 1.5 hours
  • Do you see that there is less and less water in the pan? Top up the beer
  • About an hour after the start of cooking, add onions, carrots, chopped garlic, pepper, salt, and bay leaves to the broth. Cook the shank for another half hour
  • We take out the shank, make small cuts in it and put garlic in them
  • Mix honey, sauce and mustard, then season the shank with this mixture
  • We wrap our delicacy in foil and put it in the oven for half an hour, 10 minutes. Before the end of the cooking process, open the foil

Now let's make the side dish:

  • Fry chopped onion in a frying pan
  • After this, add the cabbage to the onion, after squeezing the juice out of it
  • Add all the necessary spices to the cabbage and onions
  • In another frying pan, fry the flour in butter, and then pour in the beer and lay out the cabbage, simmer under a closed lid for half an hour

We combine all the ingredients of the dish and start the meal.

How to deliciously cook pork knuckle with mayonnaise: recipe

Knuckle with mayonnaise is the simplest dish, which is very easy and simple to prepare, but its taste is simply incredible. According to this recipe, the meat turns out unusually juicy and soft.

We will need:

  • Knuckle – 1 pc.
  • Garlic – 3 cloves
  • Mayonnaise – 200 g
  • Paprika, black pepper, oregano, marjoram, salt - at your discretion

The cooking process is very simple:

  • We process the knuckle in a familiar way
  • Chop the garlic and mix with mayonnaise
  • Season the shank first with all the spices and salt, and then with the mayonnaise mixture. Let marinate for about 5 hours
  • Wrap the shank tightly in foil and cook in the oven for about 2 hours.
  • In 15 min. Before the end of the cooking process, open the foil and brown the shank
  • You can decorate the finished dish with chopped herbs, sesame seeds, chopped almonds

How to deliciously cook pork knuckle with potatoes: recipe

Knuckle with potatoes is a classic dish, because these products combine just perfectly, and the delicacy itself turns out to be very satisfying.

We stock up on products:

  • Knuckle – 1 pc.
  • Potatoes – 7 pcs.
  • Onion – 1.5 pcs.
  • Lemon – 1 pc.
  • Sunflower oil – 3 tbsp.
  • Mix of spices for pork and potatoes, salt - at your discretion

Let's start preparing a hearty dish:

  • Pre-prepare the shank for further cooking: wash, dry
  • According to this recipe, the shank can be simply marinated or boiled. We recommend the second option, since with this method of cooking the shank will be softer and juicier, and the cooking time will be significantly reduced
  • Therefore, we put the shank in a container, fill it with water and bring the liquid to a boil.
  • After removing the noise, reduce the heat and cook the shank for 3 hours
  • An hour before the end of this process, place peeled vegetables in a container.
  • Wash the potatoes and boil them in their skins until half cooked
  • Squeeze the juice from the lemon and season the slightly cooled shank with it, also flavor it with spices
  • Peel and cut the potatoes into slices, season with salt and oil
  • Place the meat and potatoes in the pre-prepared pan and bake for 45 minutes.

How long does it take to bake a pork knuckle in the oven?

The cooking time for the shank depends on its size and the method of pre-processing. In principle, everything is very easy and simple:

  • If the shank weighs 1-1.5 kg and you previously marinated it overnight, then you need to bake it for no more than 2 hours
  • If the shank weighs the same, however, you have previously boiled it, you need to bake it for no more than 50-60 minutes.
  • If the shank weighs 1.5-2 kg and you have previously marinated it, then it is recommended to bake for about 2.5 hours
  • The knuckle is large and you have thoroughly boiled it beforehand - bake for 1.5-2 hours

What side dish should I serve with baked pork knuckle?

To answer this question, use your imagination. The knuckle is meat, and meat can be eaten with almost anything. When choosing a side dish, you can consider what kind of marinade was used to marinate the shank. Pork knuckle can be served with:

  • Rice
  • Boiled and baked potatoes
  • Buckwheat
  • Stewed and fresh vegetables
  • With sauerkraut
  • Stewed mushrooms

How to cook pork knuckle in the oven tasty and juicy: chef's advice

To prepare a tasty, juicy and soft shank, you first need to buy fresh, high-quality products.

  • When choosing a shank, pay attention to its size, color, fat layer and its color. It is best to bake medium-sized shanks, as large ones take a long time to cook
  • At the same time, the shank should smell delicious and have an attractive appearance: not chapped, not dirty (too dirty), the meat should have a “healthy” color
  • Speaking about the cooking process, it is important to note the fact that the shank turns out juicy, soft and tasty if it is first boiled or marinated. You need to marinate the shank for at least 3-5 hours, otherwise there will simply be no result.
  • To prevent the shank from being dry, bake it in a marinade or sauce. You should also bake in a sleeve or foil, but not open.
  • Control the cooking time, are you afraid that the dish will be raw? It is better to boil and marinate the meat longer than to simply increase the baking time.

Shank is a delicious dish that you can eat every day. As you can see, knuckle is a very simple dish to prepare, so choose the recipe you like and cook. Bon appetit!

Video: Juicy, tasty pork knuckle baked in the oven